Friday, April 1, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Part 2

March 31, 2016

What to Do...

  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe

Love is a crucial aspect of our new life. We love God, his ways and we love others, even our enemies. Love is part of the DNA of a Christian. God is Love, and since we have been adopted into God's family we are to be love to others, It's what we do. It is not our fleshly nature, so we will need to take on the nature of the Spirit to live this out.

Growing up is a necessity. Here is where I give some leeway to sin... When we know a deed or thought is sinful., we must stop doing it! But there are some areas we do not know are sin, because we haven't learned about them yet. (not sure there is any Scripture for what I am saying but I see the concept there). Mature Christians have a responsibility to help others see the truths in the Word to help new believers, and older ones for that matter, so they know what sin is. This is the purpose of Sunday school, sermons, radio and TV programs, and revival services. There is where we get exposed the truths God has given. Paul said the law helped him know what sin was. It couldn't keep him from sinning, but it did expose him to God's heart. Many skip the reading law and other parts of the Old Testament  thinking it is irrelevant. This is a big mistake. We must not miss what God taught his people about his ways for them. Of course, personal Bible study and meditation is crucial for growing up as well, so we have a responsibility to seek the truths for ourselves.

Part of growing in the Lord is learning what the apostles taught. It is recorder in Acts that the early believers committed themselves to the apostles teachings. The New Testament is a record of the life of Christ and the teaching of the apostles. It is sound doctrine of the truth, God's new covenant with his people... those redeemed by Christ. The apostles taught that "all Scripture was God breathed." They meant the Old Testament and we include the New as well. What preachers or books or the internet says about God is pointless unless it aligns with the Bible.

So daughters, study God's word on your own. Then you will not be lead astray by the false teachings found in the church today. Nor will you be lead astray by the ways of the world. Its desires and pleasures are not for you. Seek God's way instead and find his purpose and will for your life. Through his Word, he will show you how to love... to be Christ to the world around you.


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