Thursday, April 21, 2016

III John 1:8, Show Hospitality

April 20, 2016

Show Hospitality

III John 1:8... We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth...

Working together toward a goal helps it get accomplished. I am not writing about the goal today I am writing about the need to work together. The scripture, especially the NT, is rich with encouragement and examples of working without division, and being in one accord. This is crucial in the church for the kingdom to move forward.

Another aspect mentioned in this verse is the need for hospitality between believers. This is one way for unity to flourish. Hospitality has at least two legs which it stands on. One is caring and the other is serving. When we care for and serve others, hospitality takes place. In John's third letter, he shares with Gaius how his hospitality helped the church go forward. There are many congregants but few pastors. This is normal and good. But too many think that the pastor is the one who does all the work. This is not true. John wanted Gaius to know that his faithfulness to hospitality is faithfulness to the work of the Lord. He was working together with the evangelists for the expansion of the kingdom.

A and K, you may never stand a street corner to spread the gospel, but then again you might. The question is, will you care and serve others who are working to see the kingdom expand? When you show hospitality to your brothers and sisters in Christ, you are doing just that. You are part of the kingdom, working together to let others know how to be in the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no better work than to work for the Lord. It brings such satisfaction to serve him.


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