Thursday, April 21, 2016

III John 1:3, A Father's Joy

April 19, 2016

A Father's Joy

III John 1:3, It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth...

Gaius was a faithful follower of Christ. He lived in such a way that all could tell that he was a Christian. When John was told how his friend faithfully followed Christ, it brought him joy. We do not know the detail of their relationship, but it is easy to tell that John cared about Gaius, and that he was in some way responsible for him.

It is always good to hear that someone is true to the Lord. but when the person is someone we love, the joy billows up. There is no greater joy for a Christian father than to know his child is faithfully following and serving the Lord. When this is true, he can relax knowing, as God leads them, they will walk his path.

Daughters, when I hear of your faithfulness to the Lord, it does my heart good. Each of you must learn to make decisions which lead you closer to the Lord. There are some actions you may choose which may not be sinful by the standards of today's church, but they lead into sinful ways. Stay away from them as well. If you do, it will be easier to faithfully follow him. Then others will tell me that you do, and it will give "me great joy!"


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