Monday, April 11, 2016

II John 1:11, Do Not Join Them

April 11, 2016

Do Not Join Them

II John 1:11... Anyone who welcomes him joins in his wicked work...

Back in Proverbs 1, Solomon told his son not to share a "common purse" with the wicked. The son was not to "go along with them" nor "set foot on their path." Solomon instructed him on how useless it is to do so, for their "end is death!"

In the past the BiC church was insistent that there be a separation between the world and the church. There were to be no business partnerships with those of the world. No one was to join a secular organization if they had secret oaths, like the Masons. It was wrong to become "one" with those in who were not Christians, especially in marriage. In fact they had to be from the BiC denomination to marry, which was common in other churches as well at the time.

We see in this passage that John teaches that if we help support those who are evil, especially those teaching falsehood in the church, we join them in doing evil. It is like we are responsible for personally teaching the falsehood. Sort of the same way you are an accomplish to a robbery if you drive the car or even know the plans. We must be careful not to be involved in any way in the spreading doctrine contrary to the Word taught by the apostles.

A & K, what do you involve yourselves with? When you sing a song or watch a movie, dance to an tune or do other things that promotes the world's values - things contrary to the Bible, then you teach others to sin. Do Not Join Them! Choose to separate yourself from the world and live a life pleasing to God by following the commands of Christ. Then you will help lead others to salvation and to holy living and in doing so, you will please your your Heavenly Father. Join in on promoting holy living. Then you will be responsible for helping to spread righteousness and your spirit will be filled.


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