Monday, April 18, 2016

More Thoughts on II John

April 15 2016

More Thoughts

Continuing from Thursdays comments...

A & K, knowing the Word of God is crucial too keep you from being led astray in today's church. The ways taught as good today are the evil ways of the past(Things like drinking and dancing, acceptance of worldly music, partying, and gambling tear away at the church's foundations by allowing the world to guide us. Open sexuality, acceptance of LBGT and divorce and remarriage have numbed our hearts and minds in the church. It has happened through acceptance... 

What is it that is wrong to do today? Is it okay to smoke and drink as a Christian? Are any forms of Gambling wrong... Some say that the small games of chance that fire companies and some churches allow are fine but not things like sports betting and casinos. But that would make it okay for rich folks because they can afford high stakes gambling. TV shows and movies of the past are lauded as good and moral. But they weren't when they came out. The church stood against them! How about sexual things. I remember when divorce was terrible. I remember when being a homosexual was an instant pass to Hell. Pornography was Satan's work. Dance is no longer frowned on in the church, in fact it is encouraged! These things are being accepted in today's church and they should not be! Calvin and Wesley and Menno, fathers of the church,  all threw people out of the church for involvement in dancing. Some say today that it depends on the type of dance... go look at the dancing those men were opposed to in the 1500's, they are the ones which the most conservative dancers in the church of today approves of.

Daughters you have it rough... If you are not very close to God, you will be misled by the teachings of most churches and certainly the world. Soon you will see bestiality pushed to become common place. People have already applied to be married to their pets. There is a Man/Boy organization (NAMBLA) for men can have sex with underage boys. Gay clubs and websites for joining up swingers (wife swappping) and I have heard of "christian porn sites. Sin abounds, and it is rampant in the church and becoming acceptable there not just in society. Don't call it sin and all is fine. What are you going to excuse in your life. Stick close to God and live his Word and you will see clearly to live holy and Godly lives. Live for the Lord, my girls.


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