Friday, April 8, 2016

II John 1:6, Walk in Love

April 8, 2016

II John 1:6... And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love...

Now there is a circuitous statement: to love is to walk in obedience, to be obedient is to walk in love... When Poo and Piglet walk round and round the tree in the snow, they believed they were being joined my others. ? . I say that to say this, true love is hard to come by. Many love for the moment, for a time. We may feel like we are the only ones trying to love others, but similar to Poo and Piglet, we are not alone. We can be confident that God is there with us.

Love must be real. We cannot tell someone we love them and then later change our minds. It is not that we should never have said it, rather, as a Christian, we not only say it, but we live it all the time.

If we love God, we will be obedient to his commands. The major command of God is to love others. Some churches today, and so some Christians, believe that the other commands God spoke and had written down for us are not so important. What we must realize is, the other commands teach us how to love; teach us what love is.

Young ladies, love others. The rules of the Bible are the recipe on how to love. They are the specifics to the general command to love God and to love others. Learn the Word, so you will love properly. By doing so, you will please the Lord and so please me.


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