Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Spiritual Leader, Genesis 19:1a

A Spiritual Leader

Genesis 19:1a The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening , and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. ...

Lot had traveled from Ur to Haran with Abram and his fathers family. Then, as Abram was called to move on and leave his family, Lot chose to make the trek with him to a new land. As families and possessions grew in size, Lot's herdsmen began to quarrel with Abram's and it became necessary to separate company. Abram allow his nephew to chose the ground to live on. Lot moved his family and possessions to the plains and Abram pitched his tent among the hills of Canaan. Lot, choosing the well watered valley near Sodom, moved among the wicked who were sinning greatly (13:13).

Years later, we find that Lot has left the freedom of his tents live within the confines of the city of Sodom. Here the people have grown even more wicked. So much so that the Lord sent his angels to go and completely destroy not only Sodom but all the cities of the plains. This would include all that was living among them... This would include Lot and his household, his wife and two daughters. It is not recorded that he had other children.

Abraham pleaded with the Lord to not destroy the cities for the sake of the righteous, but not even ten righteous people could be found! As the angels reached Sodom, Lot was found sitting at the entrance to the city. He welcomed the visitors and invited them into his home to care for their needs just as Abraham had done. Seems to run in the family.

Lot was a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7) and bothered by the depravity of those living there, but that did not stop him from trying to be an influence. In fact, from where he was found, at the entrance to the city, he appears to be an elder of the city. This gives him input into policy and decision making in the city. Lot, despite being in an extreme minority, lived and taught and judged righteously.

K and A, no matter where you go, lead in righteousness. Be the Spiritual example you need to be. That is lacking in society and in our churches today. Many are teaching to follow what is popular or trendy. Go along, don't make waves, can't we all just get along. But that is where Satan wants you. But you can be a spiritual leader within and outside the church. Show to those in today's church that the Bible is still relevant. Give biblically sound arguments on why Christ ways are right and just. Remain holy even those around you may not be. That is the way it was for Lot. You too can rise above and be spiritual leaders.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Find Peace At Home, Genesis 18:33

Find Peace At Home

Genesis 18:33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

Abraham knew it was over for the people in the plains. It is not recorded that the Lord had told Abraham that Lot was to be spared, but even if he had many, many people would die. Abraham, certainly distraught, went home to his wife and family.

This is not an interpretation of scripture it is an observation. Notice where Abraham did not go... He did not go to the local bar to find solace as he drank his sorrows away. He did not go to the local men's club and tell the latest news on Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't hang out with his friends tell stories and laugh it up to forget was to happen. No! He went home to his family.

K and A, Home is where we go when life is joyous. Home is where we go when life goes sour. Build up your family ties. Care for each other. Spend time together. Make your (future) children tough it out. Don't let them leave the room and go play when the grown up talk. Make them sit. Make them listen. Boring is an attitude. Tell them to change their attitude. Then when times get rough and life goes sour they will return to find solace together not run to drug or alcohol. They will find peace and love at home, not in so prostitute or girl/boyfriend. And the same goes for your husband. Build the ties of the marriage. You marry the person to be with them, so spend your time together. Pray and study together. That's what a marriage is to be. You care and share and spend time with each other. After all, God has made you to be as one.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Standing In The Gap, Genesis 18:22-33

Standing In The Gap

Genesis 18:32 Then [Abraham] said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?" He answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it."

50, 45, 40, 30, 20 and finally 10... Abraham made six attempts at saving Sodom and the surrounding areas. If only God would relent and not destroy the cities. But, the area was wicked, so wicked that not even ten righteous people could be found in all of them. But, Abraham tried. His relative lived there, and Abraham continued to be concerned for him. The acts of the wicked were so egregious that God was willing to destroy the area and everyone in it, nothing would be left. Abraham knew this, so he gathered his courage and spoke with boldness before the Lord. For a moment he stood in the path of God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. After every attempt was given, he watched as the Lord headed to the plains.

How much do we care about the people we know, our friends, our relatives? Before God's judgement comes, are we bold enough to bring them before the Lord that they might repent and be saved? Do we ever consider the wicked around us? Maybe we are happy to see them destroyed. I pray that is not true, for even God desires that all come to repentance (1 Timothy 2:4). God asks for people to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30). He told Ezekiel that he went looking for someone to stand in the gap and could find no one!

K and A, will you be the one to answer God's call? Are you willing to stand in the gap, to do what is right and just, to care for the poor and the down-trodden (James 1:27) to lift the hand of those who are caught in sin (Galations 6:1)? God takes no pleasure in destroying the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). He wants them to come to the truth and you can work to see that happen. Reach out, care, love those around you. Watch how God uses you to when you are willing to stand in the gap!


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

God Knows You Personally, Genesis 18:20-21

God Knows You Personally

Genesis 18:21 ...I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.

The Lord and his two friend with him chose to tell Abraham what was about to happen. As Abraham walked with them, he was told that, from Sodom, cries for help to stop the grievous wicked acts had reached the ears of the Lord. The Lord had come in person to see and deal with the wickedness. Abraham knew it could not be good.

We may think that the Lord is a long way off. That when we are in distress, God is nowhere to be found. We cry out to him for help, but where is he? Let us never wonder about the knowledge of the Lord. Look at these words from Psalm 139:

2You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4Before a word is on my tongue
you, Lord, know it completely.

As we see here in Genesis, God is personally involved in the affairs of men. When they call out to him, he hears, and he acts, in person. We do not know how often God actually makes a "visit" in bodily form, but here he responds and acts on what has been brought before him.

A and K, God will do the same for you. He knows you and hears your laughs and your cries. He see you get up and sees you lie down. He has a personal interest in what is going on in your life. When you have joy, share it with him. When you hurt, cry out to him. He will come beside you and personally take care of you.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Chosen To Do Right, Genesis 18:16-19

Chosen To Do Right

Genesis 18:19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised.

After the incident with Sarah, her being caught in a lie, Abraham's three guests got up to leave and headed toward Sodom. Abraham was walking with them when the Lord asked his two friends if he should keep from Abraham why they we going to Sodom. Then, he talks about why God had chosen Abraham: to keep the way of the Lord.

Each Christian has also been called by the Lord. We are his people. The buzz word in the church today is Relationship. Christianity isn't about religion, it is a relationship. Certainly, it is true that God desires a relationship with us. In the Garden of Eden, God went looking for Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8), he spent much time with Moses and Joshua on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:28), and even went on boating excursions with his disciples (Luke 8:22). But, spending time with Jesus is not the only reason we are saved. He calls us to be obedient to him and follow his commands (John 14:15). Paul says that we are created to produce good works (Ephesians 2:10). We have a great responsibility as Christians to be example in and for the world around us.

K and A, you are not saved just to escape the lake of fire, but be happy you will. You are not saved just so you can have a friend who sticks close by you (Proverbs 18:24), although that is so crucial as you walk through the trials of life. No, one of the main reasons you were chosen was to live a righteous life by obeying the commands of the Lord and to teach your children to do the same (Deuteronomy 6:7). He has chosen you to do what is right and just (Proverbs 21:3). So, Live for the Lord!


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yes You Did, Genesis 18:12-15

Yes You Did

Genesis 18:15 Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, "I did not laugh." But he said, "Yes you did laugh."

The Lord heard Sarah laugh and called her out. He questioned her faith by surmising that she did not believe God was able to make the seemingly impossible happen. She knew she was barren and that they were up in years, and there is no way for them to conceive a child. It would not happen. So, when Sarah felt the sting of the accusation, she responded by saying she did not laugh. But, the Lord knew her heart and knew what she had said. He spoke directly to her and spoke four words... "Yes You Did Laugh." Sarah's head must have hung low, for the truth had been revealed.

We can be assured that the Lord knows our thoughts (Psalm 94:11), and that we cannot hide from him what we think or  what we do. In fact, what we do in secret will be made known, and others will also know (Luke 8:17). We are called to be truthful (Ephesians 4:25), honest before both God and man. Therefor we must say what is true and be trustworthy, even when what we say will condemn us as it had Sarah. She didn't have the faith, so she lied both to the Lord and to herself.

A and K, are you truthful in all circumstances? You can fool others for a time, but you cannot fool the Lord ever. He knows what you did and what your thoughts were and what they are now. He knows your heart better than you do (Jeremiah 17:9, 1 John 3:20). Always be honest. You do not want to be caught in a lie for it brings disgrace. Your character will be smeared, and it will be difficult to rebuild. Admit when you are wrong for truth brings the freedom we all seek.


Yes Way, Genesis 18:9-12

Yes Way

Genesis 18:12 So, Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, "After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?"

One of the identities of the three visitors was revealed in this passage. The Lord in bodily form came to meet with Abraham and Sarah. After dinner was over, the Lord spoke to Abraham asking for his wife, Sarah. She was standing in the entrance to their tent listening in on the conversations that was happening under the shade trees. Having already been told that they would have a son, it was now revealed by the Lord that this child would be born by this time next year. Sarah laughed at the idea.

You may remember that Abraham also laughed when God first told them that Sarah would give birth. But, we know that God reassured them and Abraham believed (Chapter 17). So, what makes Sarah now laugh when the timeline of the birth has been given ? It is because Sarah continues to doubt. She did not have the faith to believe God knew what he was talking about. She said no way. She didn't believe God could do it, so she scoffed at the silliness of it all.

A and K, do you ever doubt God? Is what he promised seem silly or impossible? Have you started on the path of obedience, and because it began to take too long, you give up and wonder if you even heard God's voice? You can trust God's Word. What he says will come to pass! Don't scoff at his promise and say no way, for with God it is yes way. He will do it! Trust him.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Serve with Joy, Genesis 18:6-8

Serve With Joy

Genesis 18:6 So Abraham hurried into his tent to Sarah, "Quick," he said, "get three seahs of fine flour and knead it and bake some bread."

Abraham was pleased that his guests said they would stay for dinner. Abraham had no food prepared, no bread, no meat, yet he offered to be hospitable. He ran to his tent, commissioned his wife, and ran off to select a choice, tender calf from his herd. While the men rested under the shade of the great trees of Mamre, Abraham diligently and eagerly prepared food for his guests.

Abraham bubbled over with joy at the news that he could serve guests at his home. He offered, they accepted, and he ran to prepare them from the best that he had. What a great lesson for us! As servants of God, isn't it incumbent of us to serve in the same manner. This is not only true in serving God, but in serving others, even strangers as Abraham did. It is a joy to be a servant of the Lord. Jesus came not to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28), and we are to be like him (1 Corinthians 11:1).

We also see that Abraham got his family involved. Immediately after they said they would stay for dinner, Abraham sought out his wife and she, with no record of complaining, got to it and prepared bread and whatever else was necessary to serve her guests. Eagerly she served along side her husband.

K and A, it is a joy to serve the Lord. But not only that, it is a joy to serve your spouse, especially for a wife to serve her husband. You were created to serve your husband, God made you for him. You are the one best suited for him to help him, to go along side him (Genesis 2:20-21). In fact, that is why a man leaves home (Genesis 2:24). This is what your mother has been for me. You would do well to imitate her.

Like Abraham, I have asked her many times to bake me a pie or cookies to take to work the next day, so at ten o'clock at night, she gathers the ingredients and rolls out the dough to start a pie. Like Sarah, no complaints, not hesitation, just love. She has dealt with all of my failings with grace and love, and rarely, if ever, does she ever complain. She has worked hard along side me. There is no better helper than your mother. Most of all she loves the Lord and serves him with joy! Daughters, emulate your mother and serve your husband and most of all serve the Lord with joy and gladness! (Psalm 100:2)


Friday, October 20, 2017

Servant of Strangers, Genesis 18:1-5

Servvat of Strangers

Genesis 18:5 Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way - now that you have come to your servant.

Abraham was relaxing at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Possibly, he was sipping on some cool goats milk while kicked back in his hemp roped lounge chair. Then again, maybe not. Back to the story... At one point Abraham looks up and notices three man coming towards his home and ran to meet them. He bowed low and bid them to come to his home and rest under the shade of his trees. There, he would supply them with food and drink and also water for their feet. It was Abraham's desire to care for the visitors and supply their needs. They accepted.

How is it with us? Do we notice the needs of others? Can we see when others are hurting? It is important that we look out for others. Recognize the needs of others before your own and attend to them (Philippians 2:4). This is not what the world says. No, I have had it told to me many times, If you don't look out for yourself, then who will? A fellow Christian will! That is what we do. Yet, we not only do good to our fellow believers, we care for strangers as well. The fact is that some have entertained - showed kindness, hospitality - angels when they thought they were just helping a stranger in need (Hebrew 13:2). 

K and A, This is exactly what Abraham was doing. He figured the travelers were tired and weary from the dusty walk during the heat of the day. He not only offered to feed them he offered himself, his family, his possessions. He didn't know these men, yet he had compassion on them. You will have ample opportunity to do the same in your life. Jesus calls you to be the servant of all (Mark 9:35). Never become haughty (Proverbs 16:18) and think helping others is beneath you. Be willing to do the mundane or even the "dirty" jobs others wont do. Be a servant of others, even to the stranger. You never know who they might be.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Immediate Obedience, Genesis 17:22-27

Immediate Obedience

Genesis 17:23 On that very day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money, every male in his household, and circumcised them, as God told him.

After God had finished speaking to Abraham about the covenant he had offered, he left him. Abraham was not slow in obeying. That very day, Abraham carried out the requirement of the agreement. He did not waver in his faith (Romans 4:20). No, he acted on what God had told him to do, that very day.

When God calls us into his service, we need to act right away. The proof of our faith is in our action. Hebrews 11 says it this way; Abel Offered, Noah Built, Abraham Went, Isaac & Jacob Blessed, Joseph Instructed, Moses Refused, Rahab Welcomed, Others Conquered, Administered, and Gained, Women Received, and Some Faced. Like Abraham, all of these were commended for their faith for believing in the promise God had spoken to them. They acted on the word of the Lord, because they believed.

Young Ladies, I rarely used this saying my father said many times as he put his children, under someone else's authority. It went something like this; Listen son, when Mr. Lehman tells you something, you need to listen. When he says jump, on your way up, ask how high. Can you grasp the immediacy of the expected response? Your grandpa wanted us to be ready to move, immediate obedience. The mind has already been primed to obey.

K & A, you do not have to wonder if what God asks is practical or not, nor do you need to be concerned if it is the best road for you to travel. Get moving. Put your faith into action right away. Trust him for he knows what he is doing. When the Lord calls you to go, put yourself in gear, hit the accelerator, and ask: where to? Then, put your seatbelt on.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Different, But Still Important, Genesis 17:20-21

Different, But Still Important

Genesis 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.

So, a son was to be born to Sarah, and he would receive blessing from the Lord. But, how about Abraham's first son? Is he to be tossed to the side? He isn't the chosen one, so he is worthless. But, God doesn't think so. He not only gave credence to Ishmael, he gave him stature. He states that he will make him into a great nation. This was not only spoken to Abraham but also to his mother Hagar. God was looks out for his chosen ones and for those that honor him.

We are not all on the same level. Sometimes it appears that God has favorites, but he doesn't (Romans 2:11). He judges and blesses all with the same criteria. We cannot say that since we belong to a particular church that we get to heaven. No! It matters if your heart has been cleansed by the blood of Christ and that you are living for him; obeying his commands. That is the criteria upon which you will be judged and blessed. Here are some criteria where we receive blessings: Don't take advise from the world (Psalm 1:1), Have confidence that what God says will happen (Jerimiah 17:7), be peaceful, desire to live right, be kind, have sympathy and empathy, have a pure heart (Matthew 5:4-1). It doesn't matter who you are, God is a fair benefactor and will treat each of us well.

A and K, do right and you will be blessed. Do wrong and God hand will be against you (Isaiah 63:10). You may think you may be of little importance in God's work, and it is true that some have been called to a greater responsibility than now have, but do not think for a moment that you are not important and are of little value to the Lord. God gives credence to you and the work he has called you to do. Right now I am just a utility maintenance man... I can let that get me down, especially when they keep restricting the work I am allowed to do, but I must remember who I really work for. It is the same for you. Do all your work, no matter how menial, as for the Lord himself (Colossians 3:23). Other may have a greater role than you, but you are different than they are. But, you are not worthless. You and the same value and are important to God!


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Really, I Will, Genesis 17:15-19

Really, I Will

Genesis 17:19 The God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant for his descendants after him."

God, speaking to Abraham, reasserts his promise by telling him that Sarai will have a son and changed her name to Sarah. He reassured Abraham that she would be the mother of nations and kings of people would come from her. Abraham could not imagine this to be possible, and it caught him so off guard. He laughed at the thought: A woman at 90 and a man of 100 having a baby. Now, that's funny. Just bless Ishmael. But God said, your wife WILL bear you a son, you WILL name him Isaac, and I WILL establish my covenant with him.

Isaac. The name means he laughs. Abraham could not imagine how he and his wife could give life to a child at their age. Yet, Romans tells us that Abraham did not weaken in his belief  that God would carry it out (Romans 4:20). God strengthened his faith by stating; Sarah Will, You Will, and I Will. God did not mince words. He spoke clearly and pointedly, and Abraham believed. No matter how crazy it seemed, Abraham believed.

A and K, what has God told you that seem impossible to accomplished? Can you put your trust him to see it through? Maybe it is your schooling, playing the piano, learning a new instrument, grasping health terms and calculations. What is it that you need to trust him for? I have to learn all the diseases and medicines, modes of action and dosing amounts. Yeah, right! Really, I will help, says the Lord. You want me to play a tuba, I could almost climb in a tuba! Really, I will see you through it, says the Lord. Have faith in what God is leading you to do. He will give to the strength and wisdom and knowledge to accomplish it. You can do all the things he asks you to do (Philippians 4:13). Really, you can!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Outward Sign Not Enough, Genesis 17:10-14

Outward Sign Not Enough

Genesis 17:11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between you and me.

A covenant has two sides. If either side breaks the covenant, the other is not bound to it. God had promised Abraham the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession IF every male in their household was circumcised from that point on, IF not the agreement would be void. God later told the Israelites that the outward sign was not enough. The people of Israel became stiff-necked and evil. God told them to circumcise their hearts and do right (Deuteronomy 10:16, Jeremiah 4:4).

Like Israel, God chose each one of us to be made right with him. He convicts our hearts (John 16:8), makes us new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:7) and gives new life (Ephesians 2:4 & 5). Because of that we do good works which he has apportioned for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). These are signs of what God is doing in our lives. It is a way to recognize who belong to God (Matthew 7:16). Yet good works in and of themselves are not enough. Our hearts must be circumcised, the evil must be cut off and that cannot be done by human hands. We must believe that it is God who brings salvation to our souls and hope for eternity. It comes by faith in what Christ has done (Ephesians 2:8).

A and K, you know how important I believe it is for you to look like a Christian. The things you do affect those around you. There are things that are not sin that you are to avoid so others are not tempted to do wrong (1 Corinthians 8:10-13). Also, I want you to keep from some things the world does to keep from becoming like them (going dancing, listening to the worldly music, watching certain TV or movies, using things that look like ungodliness (you know I wont drink root beer out of a bottle that looks like a beer bottle). These become traps, a foothold that Satan uses to snare us (Ephesians 4:27). Some think I am foolish, maybe you. But, what you do has much more affect than what you or most Christians realize. Look at where the spiritual level of  most who call themselves believers is. They constantly struggle with sin and spiritual things are of little importance. You cannot tell them from the rest of the world around them. I want better for you. But outward signs are not enough. Your heart must be right before God. It is a pure heart, cleansed of sin that begins your walk of holiness. This is what God expects (Psalm 24:3-5). Allow God to cut evil from your heart, then walk a life that shows it!


Friday, October 13, 2017

What's The Catch, Genesis 17:9

What's The Catch

Genesis 17:9 Then God said to Abraham, "As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come."

Abram just had his name changed to Abraham, for God was doing a work in his life. He reminded Abraham of his promise and said he will establish his covenant with him, an everlasting covenant to give Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession! But, Abraham would also have a responsibility to keep up his end of the covenant.

There it is; the word BUT; BUT you must, This is yours BUT... people always have conditions. So when someone says they will do something for you, you better find out what the catch is. BUT... doesn't that make sense. When there is an agreement, it has two sides. And, it is the same with God. There are conditions to his love. "WHAT!" you say. Yes, Jesus said if you keep my commandments my father will love you (John 14:21). We have a responsibility to keep up our end of the deal (covenant).

A and K, loving God means obeying what he says to do. Everyone says that the Old Testament has a bunch of rules, glad we don't have to follow the Old Testament, BUT it only has 600 and some. The New Testament has over 1000! So, now what are you to do. You certainly cannot be saved without faith (Ephesians 2:8), and that was true in the Old Testament as well. But, If you want to be at home with God, you will have to obey Jesus' commands. (John14:23). It is impossible for mankind to do right... on our own strength. Thankfully, God gives us his Spirit and you can live above sin (1 John 2:1).


Thursday, October 12, 2017

A New Name, Genesis 17:3-8

A New Name

Genesis 17:5 No longer will you be called Abram, your name will be Abraham, for I hav[e made you a father of many nations

At ninety-nine, Abram was still waiting for God to fulfil his promise. He believed that God would do so, but how? Abram, who faced the fact that his body was as good as dead (Romans 4:19), believed in the words God spoke to him and was strengthened in his faith.

Here we see one example how the words of God strengthen us. God not only reminds Abram of the promise but builds on that by giving him a special name, the name Abraham. This further emboldens Abram's faith and Abram doesn't waver in his belief.

Why doesn't God do this for everyone? Or, does he? Revelation talks about a new name given to believers that overcome the sin ingrained in the church (Revelation 2:14-17). We will be strengthened in our faith as we remain faithful. Trails of life come and eat away at our faith, but God comes and reminds us of his promises. He tells us to overcome the sin that tries to pull us away and gives us the ability to do so (1 Corinthians 10:13). When we do, he has a special name just for us.

K and A, you both were given names at birth. You moved and kicked and squirmed, but finally you made it to new life and they were happy. (Especially your mom. She couldn't take much more :0) ) Then they gave you a name and life continued in a new way. I don't get caught up in God giving us a new name. I have no particular "word" from God into its insights, but I do believe you are special to him. As he sees you struggle, kick and squirm, he is there helping you overcome. Continue to trust in him and overcome the sin ingrained in the church, the ones they says are okay but you know better. Live for Christ for he is joyous knowing you believe in what he is doing in your life. Trust him for your future for you, L and B, are precious to him. 


So what is L and B? The initials of your new name he gave known only to you and him. :{

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

God's Expectation, Genesis 17:1-2

God's Expectation

Genesis 17:1  When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless."

Abram, God's chosen one from among all mankind. I know of no place which tells why God chose him. His greatest attribute was that he trusted God. He believed that God would do as he promised even when it seemed unlikely or even impossible to come true. It had been 24 years since he was called to leave his father's household for a new land where God would establish his family forever. Up to this point, God doesn't appear to be to be following through, yet Abram continues to trust him, believing God will work it out. Through the years, he tried to aid God in working it out, but God tells him that his plan is another way. He needs to continue to trust him. Around thirteen years after Ishmael was born, God appeared to Abram again and reminded him of his promise. He told Abram to remain faithful by walking blamelessly before him.

We often pray and wonder why God doesn't act immediately. In Revelation (22:12) we read that God said he would come quickly, yet it is almost 2000 years later, and he hasn't returned. What takes God so long? Maybe, God is patient? Maybe, he wants us to learn to trust him fully? Maybe, we aren't prepared for what he is ready to give? Maybe, others around us aren't ready for what God is wanting to do? We do not know the mind of God (Romans 11:34). He is not slow in keeping promises (2 Peter 3:9), but he doesn't work on our timeline or in our wisdom. He moves at just the right time when he deems best.

K and A, has God promised you something, besides the over 3200 promises in the Bible. What are you to do when the promises have yet to be realized? Do this: live faithfully. Live in such a way that everyone around you knows that you do not follow the ways of the world, but that you follow Christ. Walk with him and be blameless. Live such good lives among your [friends and co-workers] that, thought they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God (1 Peter 2:12). This is God's expectation for you. He desires and expects holy living. He will fulfil his promise and you are to fulfil yours. Believing in Christ includes living faithfully for him.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

As Promised, Genesis 16:15-16

As Promised

Genesis 16:15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne.

In Hagar's misery, God saw her plight. She was tired and thirsty, yet her pain was greater than that. She was alone. She had fled Abrams household, because Sarai tormented her to the breaking point and no hope remained. But, into her misery the Lord came promising a future. Return, he said, And be subject to your mistress and I will protect you and your son. I will give you descendants that will be too numerous to count. Hagar obeyed and God fulfilled his promise by giving her a son. Abram named him Ishmael, the name given by the Lord. Ishmael means The Lord Hears!

Often, we hurt and seemingly have no place to turn. We are down and out, left hanging, ridiculed with no friend to console us. Yet the is a friend who cares (Proverbs 18:24). He not only sees our struggles but comes to us while we wallow in them. While there, he promises to deliver us (Ps 35:10), to raise us up, and protect us.

A and K, know that the Lord hears. But, not only does he hear, he also supplies your every need according to his great riches (Philippians 4:19). There are so many promises in his Word. One count reached over 3500 promises. That is an incredible amount. There is a promise that relates to any trial and trouble you have. Seek to know his Word. Google for promises to find hope in your circumstance. God will carry each of them out as you believe and trust in him.


Monday, October 9, 2017

He Noticed Me, Genesis 16:13-14

He Noticed Me

Genesis 16:13 She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," foe she said, "I have now seen the one who see me."

Feeling thirsty and tired, Hagar stops for a drink by the spring near Shur. She had fled the abuse of her mistress and was on the road to nowhere. Where should she go, possibly back home to Egypt? Alone and pregnant, no future for her, what would become of her? Then, in the midst of her heartache and sadness, the Lord steps. He sees her plight and knows her sorrows. God sends an angel to strengthen her. After the Lord speaks to her, her spirits are lifted. She knows she has had an encounter with the Lord!

What do we do when we are unsure of where to turn? Do we decide to go our own way? Pull ourselves up by our proverbial boot straps and forge ahead? Contrary to today's church wisdom, God does help those who help themselves, but only as they help themselves to his bounty. They must come and take a seat at his table and dine with him. God sees us when we hurt. Don't head back to Egypt, the world, to find solace and hope, for their hope is only temporary, a flash in time. Seek the Lord, and he will strengthen you and lift you up and return you to life and joy which will last for eternity.

Daughters, when you are alone and don't know which way to turn, know that God is not napping. He is quite aware of your situation. He is reaching out to you and desires to lift you. Look for him. Take his hand and walk to his table and fill your soul with food that satisfies....

Maybe you have been like me when I was young. I wished certain persons would notice me and when I thought I caught their eye, my heart would flutter. Oh, what a exhilarating feeling to be noticed by someone you like...

There is nothing better than being noticed by God. This is especially true when going through a tough time. When you know he has seen you in your plight, your spirits will be lifted and joy will fill your heart and soul. K and A, seek the Lord with all your heart (Deuteronomy 4:29), for you will find him. He is there waiting for you to take his hand.


Come and Dine

You're Kidding, Right, Genesis 16:7-12

You're Kidding, Right

Genesis 16:9 Then the angel of the Lord told her, "Go back to your mistress and submit to her."

Hagar had been severely mistreated by Sarai. It was too much to take, so she fled. In the midst of  running across the desert, she was happened by a spring and stopped for a drink of water to refresh herself. There, the angel of the Lord met her and told her to return to Sarai and to submit to her authority. Your kidding, right. But then, the angel told her what would happen if she would listen to the word of the Lord and return.

Most humans flee trouble and pain. Touch your hand on a hot stove, and we instantly remove it. Why? It is a natural response. We avoid pain or things that tend to bring it on. Like Hagar, we have a limit, and when reached, any perceived benefits of the situation become void, and we leave. But, when God meets Hagar and says that the benefits of staying out number the hardship she would need to endure she obeyed.

A and K, it is difficult to endure hardships. That's why they are called hardships. Sometimes, it is right to flee, but when you know you are where God has placed you, endure the suffering. Each of you has to some degree experienced this and until you die, troubles will continue (John 16:33). Paul told timothy to stick it out (2 Timothy 2:3) and that is what you are to do. The benefits of enduring God's assignment far outweighs any place you may want to be in life. Being a slave to God trumps the freedom of where you want to be in the world no matter how tough it is at the time. Fight onward as soldiers of Christ and endure the battle for the victory is His. I'm not kidding.


Onward Christian Soldiers

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mistrust Breeds Fear, Genesis 16:6

Mistrust Breeds Fear

Genesis 16:6 "Your servant is in your hands," Abram said. "Do with her whatever you think best." Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her.

Sarai believe God was keeping her from having children, so she gave Abram her maidservant as a wife in order for the promise of God to be realized. She did not trust the Lord to carry out his promise through her. Certainly God has another plan so Sarai "helped" God out by making a way for him to succeed. When Hagar became pregnant and began to despise Sarai, Sari became indignant at both Hagar and Abram. Foolishly Abram allowed her to abuse Hagar. She became afraid that Hagar would take her place (my surmise).

Trusting God is necessary for peace of mind. When we do not believe God can handle a situation in our life, when life seems to fall apart and we wonder where God, we begin to take life by the horns and control our own destination. God says that we are to trust him and not to lean on what we think is best (Proverbs 3:5 & 6). The fear that causes us to mistrust God will only grow, and we will begin to take it out on others and Sarai did. 

K and A, It is one thing to become concerned not to knowing where God is leading. But, when he has given us a clear understanding of his leadings, through his Word or by the Spirit, we do not need to fear. For, when you walk in your own wisdom, you will find that anxiety increases and the lack of trust will multiply as well, causing you to lash out on those you love. This will create mistrust between them and you and fear will grow. Do not be anxious. Pray to God. Seek his will. He will bring peace to your heart and relationships (Phillipians 4:6 & 7).


Friday, October 6, 2017

Pain Of Not Waiting, Genesis 16:4b & 5

Pain Of Not Waiting

Genesis 16:4b When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.

Hagar used to love and care for her mistress. Whatever she needed, she would supply. She was so loyal that Sarai offered her to be the surrogate mother of her children, another wife to please her husband. But, when she became pregnant, she stopped loving and began to hate. The plan devised by worldly wisdom turned sour and sin crept in.

When we can't wait and choose to go our own way... sin creeps in. Man's heart is wicked, who can know it (Jerimiah 17:9) Going counter to the ways of Christ ushers in sinful ways. It not that God doesn't want us to make choices. Rather, it is that our decisions need to align with his. Waiting is not only stopping and listening for God to speak. It is patiently allowing his methods as prescribed in his Word to work out.

K and A, His Word says do not be anxious about anything... make your requests know to God (Philippians 8:4). You must be willing to allow his Word to produce fruit in your life. Rushing it causes a poor harvest, and you will be weak and constantly struggle against sin. By using his methods; breaking up the fallow ground (Hosea 10:12), receive the word (Matthew 13:1-23), water it (1 Corintians 3;7), and letting God make it grow, you will produce a harvest 30, 60, 100 times the Word planted in you (Matthew 18:8). Then you mature and be filled with joy and peace absent of sin.


Can't Wait, Genesis 16:1-4

Can't Wait

Genesis 16:1 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar;

Abram was promised by God to have descendants come from his body. So, at the prompting of his wife, Sarai, he took his wife's servant to become his wife and child bearer. He lay with her and she became pregnant. This is not what God had in mind. Abram determined that God wouldn't make it possible for Sarai to have a child, so he took matters into his own hands. The problems this has created continues to this day.

This is what happens when we can't wait on God to complete his promises. The painting gets all messed up. Eve started this way back in the garden, and it continues today. Teens, and adults, can't wait for marriage to have sexual relations, and life takes a traumatic shift. I am not just talking the birth of a child. There are many other issues that arise. Abortion, the death of a child, becomes rampant; over one million deaths a year. This also creates bitterness and psychological issues. But, it's not only with abortion. Bitterness and psychological issues are created when the two became one outside of God's plan and now it is difficult to release the emotional and spiritual connections that were created.

A and K, Can you wait for God to follow through. Just because one of you is married, do not think that this message is not for both of you. Remember the context, Abram was married too. Sexual pressure certainly do not end just because one is married. This is especially true for the man, but is an increasing problem for women today. Yet, I am not just speaking sexually. Waiting for God to act is important in all aspects of your life. Schooling, a job, friendships, witnessing, buying a house... in all of these and so many more, God wants you to wait upon him (Isaiah 40:31) If you do not want to have heartaches and draining emotions, wait upon the Lord. For, he will build you up and keep you strong! So, do not rush ahead of God, his plan worth the wait.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Promised Land, Genesis 15:18

Promised Land

Genesis 15:18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To you descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river the Euphrates -

God promised the Hebrew people the land situated between Egypt and part way through what we know as Iraq. West to the Mediterranean and East to... I'm not sure where, to much to research in a morning. That said, the point of this is that God promised it to Abram. God took it from it wicked inhabitants and gave it to a people he chose. God, the creator of all, can allot land to whomever he desires. And he will keep his end of the agreement, his covenant. He promised them the land forever (Genesis 17:7). But, he also said that that if they broke the covenant, he would take them from the land until they repented (Deuteronomy 28-30).

A and K, I want you to see two things. First, the land over in the Middle East belongs to the people of Israel. God promised it to them forever. And that they would get to live there if the followed him. Second, God keeps his promises and expects us to do the same. We need to keep our part of the covenant if we are to enjoy the promises of God. There are many promises in God's Word, but they will not be yours if you do not love him with all your heart, body and soul (Matthew 22:37). Serve him then with all you have. Give no part of your devotion to the ways of the world and you shall receive eternal life and the blessings of his promises.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

With Blessings Come Trials, Genesis 15:7-16

With Blessings Come Trials

Genesis 15:13 Then the Lord said to him, "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years.

God promised Abram that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars, and that they would inherit the land Abram had settled in. What a joyous thought! Abram had left Ur to travel to a new land. He had settled near the great trees of Mamre and there God promised him land and descendants. But life met many difficulties; famine and a move to Egypt (chapter 12), Wars (14), A child from his maidservant (16), Destruction to the valley cities where Lot lived (19), and many more problems.

Life and the promised blessings of God come with many trials. There are a multitude of reason that trials come. Sometimes God is disciplining us (Hebrews 12:6), teaching us his ways. At others times God is using us to show others how to have faith in Him (1 Corinthians 10:11). And, often we suffer to give time for others to repent or because they are not yet evil enough for God's judgement (Genesis 15:16). We, then, are caught in the middle of the lives of others who are wicked and suffer for it. Yet we can be certain that God has not abandoned us, nor has he forgotten his promises to us. His timeline is vastly different than ours.

K and A, have you sensed a promise directly from God? Maybe you only see the ones written of in Scripture. Either way, know that God is not absent from your life. He knows exactly what he is doing. Trust him in the midst of trials being certain he will keep every promise! He doesn't change his mind like man (Numbers 23:29). He is trustworthy, you can count on him. You are to keep steadfast in your faith. Though Satan should tempt you to leave the ways of Christ to follow those who follow him, stand firm knowing that other believers go through the same trials (1 Peter5:9). And when you have done all you can to stand... keep standing (Ephesians 6:13)! For when the trials come, God is for you, and no one can stand against you when you have your trust and faith in him (Romans 8:31).


Monday, October 2, 2017

Counted As Righteous, Genesis 15:6

Counted as Righteous

Genesis 15:6 Abram believed the Lord and it was credited to him as righteousness.

Righteousness is living according to God's way. Simply said, it is living right. Abram had just been told that even though he had no children, he would have many descendants who would come from his own body. Abram believed God and God counted it as righteousness on Abrams account. Abram was going to give all he had to one of his servants. His heir would not be from within. But God had other plans and Abram believed him even though he had no children... yet.

It is so easy for us to go through life and to realize it is not going as we planned. We want the perfect family of 1.4 children, and we now have 3. We want the beautiful home in the country but are stuck in the back street of some city. We sought the perfect training for the perfect job only to end up working the late shift as a utility maintenance guy. Do we really believe God is in control when life is not where we planned it to be?

K and A, God is in control (Romans 8:28) You can trust him for your future. He will take care of all your needs. You can relax in him (Matthew 6:34). Therefor believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31). This is not just for the forgiveness of sins. This truth is for his direction and protection his throughout your life. Salvation is a way of life not just a one time decision. May it be written that my daughters believed the Lord, and it was counted for them as righteousness because they trusted him!


PS. K, the beautiful home in the country is right around the corner from everything you need, 10 minutes max.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Coming From You, Genesis 15:4 & 5

Coming From You

Genesis 15:4 & 5 Then the word of the Lord came to him: :this man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said, look up at the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."

God had promised Abram that he would have a great number of descendants, but he had no children. God assured him that he from his own body he would produce offspring. God did not use Abram's servant to fulfill his promise, but Abram would produce descendants that would bless the world.

We do not always know what will happen in our lives. Sure, we may dream and plan to accomplish things, but only God knows (Proverbs 16:1). But, we can be assured that coming from us, will be blessings that affect the world around us. He will work through us to accomplish it (Philippians 2:13).

A and K, sometimes you may think that what you do makes no difference. Others seem to be effective at serving the Lord and all your work comes to nothing. But, fear not. God wants to work in you to produce a harvest that will affect many more than you can ever imagine. This is not just for others. They are blessings coming from you. So, dream, plan, and serve knowing that God is working through you to accomplish great things!
