Thursday, October 12, 2017

A New Name, Genesis 17:3-8

A New Name

Genesis 17:5 No longer will you be called Abram, your name will be Abraham, for I hav[e made you a father of many nations

At ninety-nine, Abram was still waiting for God to fulfil his promise. He believed that God would do so, but how? Abram, who faced the fact that his body was as good as dead (Romans 4:19), believed in the words God spoke to him and was strengthened in his faith.

Here we see one example how the words of God strengthen us. God not only reminds Abram of the promise but builds on that by giving him a special name, the name Abraham. This further emboldens Abram's faith and Abram doesn't waver in his belief.

Why doesn't God do this for everyone? Or, does he? Revelation talks about a new name given to believers that overcome the sin ingrained in the church (Revelation 2:14-17). We will be strengthened in our faith as we remain faithful. Trails of life come and eat away at our faith, but God comes and reminds us of his promises. He tells us to overcome the sin that tries to pull us away and gives us the ability to do so (1 Corinthians 10:13). When we do, he has a special name just for us.

K and A, you both were given names at birth. You moved and kicked and squirmed, but finally you made it to new life and they were happy. (Especially your mom. She couldn't take much more :0) ) Then they gave you a name and life continued in a new way. I don't get caught up in God giving us a new name. I have no particular "word" from God into its insights, but I do believe you are special to him. As he sees you struggle, kick and squirm, he is there helping you overcome. Continue to trust in him and overcome the sin ingrained in the church, the ones they says are okay but you know better. Live for Christ for he is joyous knowing you believe in what he is doing in your life. Trust him for your future for you, L and B, are precious to him. 


So what is L and B? The initials of your new name he gave known only to you and him. :{

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