Friday, October 6, 2017

Can't Wait, Genesis 16:1-4

Can't Wait

Genesis 16:1 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar;

Abram was promised by God to have descendants come from his body. So, at the prompting of his wife, Sarai, he took his wife's servant to become his wife and child bearer. He lay with her and she became pregnant. This is not what God had in mind. Abram determined that God wouldn't make it possible for Sarai to have a child, so he took matters into his own hands. The problems this has created continues to this day.

This is what happens when we can't wait on God to complete his promises. The painting gets all messed up. Eve started this way back in the garden, and it continues today. Teens, and adults, can't wait for marriage to have sexual relations, and life takes a traumatic shift. I am not just talking the birth of a child. There are many other issues that arise. Abortion, the death of a child, becomes rampant; over one million deaths a year. This also creates bitterness and psychological issues. But, it's not only with abortion. Bitterness and psychological issues are created when the two became one outside of God's plan and now it is difficult to release the emotional and spiritual connections that were created.

A and K, Can you wait for God to follow through. Just because one of you is married, do not think that this message is not for both of you. Remember the context, Abram was married too. Sexual pressure certainly do not end just because one is married. This is especially true for the man, but is an increasing problem for women today. Yet, I am not just speaking sexually. Waiting for God to act is important in all aspects of your life. Schooling, a job, friendships, witnessing, buying a house... in all of these and so many more, God wants you to wait upon him (Isaiah 40:31) If you do not want to have heartaches and draining emotions, wait upon the Lord. For, he will build you up and keep you strong! So, do not rush ahead of God, his plan worth the wait.


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