Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Really, I Will, Genesis 17:15-19

Really, I Will

Genesis 17:19 The God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant for his descendants after him."

God, speaking to Abraham, reasserts his promise by telling him that Sarai will have a son and changed her name to Sarah. He reassured Abraham that she would be the mother of nations and kings of people would come from her. Abraham could not imagine this to be possible, and it caught him so off guard. He laughed at the thought: A woman at 90 and a man of 100 having a baby. Now, that's funny. Just bless Ishmael. But God said, your wife WILL bear you a son, you WILL name him Isaac, and I WILL establish my covenant with him.

Isaac. The name means he laughs. Abraham could not imagine how he and his wife could give life to a child at their age. Yet, Romans tells us that Abraham did not weaken in his belief  that God would carry it out (Romans 4:20). God strengthened his faith by stating; Sarah Will, You Will, and I Will. God did not mince words. He spoke clearly and pointedly, and Abraham believed. No matter how crazy it seemed, Abraham believed.

A and K, what has God told you that seem impossible to accomplished? Can you put your trust him to see it through? Maybe it is your schooling, playing the piano, learning a new instrument, grasping health terms and calculations. What is it that you need to trust him for? I have to learn all the diseases and medicines, modes of action and dosing amounts. Yeah, right! Really, I will help, says the Lord. You want me to play a tuba, I could almost climb in a tuba! Really, I will see you through it, says the Lord. Have faith in what God is leading you to do. He will give to the strength and wisdom and knowledge to accomplish it. You can do all the things he asks you to do (Philippians 4:13). Really, you can!


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