Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Different, But Still Important, Genesis 17:20-21

Different, But Still Important

Genesis 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.

So, a son was to be born to Sarah, and he would receive blessing from the Lord. But, how about Abraham's first son? Is he to be tossed to the side? He isn't the chosen one, so he is worthless. But, God doesn't think so. He not only gave credence to Ishmael, he gave him stature. He states that he will make him into a great nation. This was not only spoken to Abraham but also to his mother Hagar. God was looks out for his chosen ones and for those that honor him.

We are not all on the same level. Sometimes it appears that God has favorites, but he doesn't (Romans 2:11). He judges and blesses all with the same criteria. We cannot say that since we belong to a particular church that we get to heaven. No! It matters if your heart has been cleansed by the blood of Christ and that you are living for him; obeying his commands. That is the criteria upon which you will be judged and blessed. Here are some criteria where we receive blessings: Don't take advise from the world (Psalm 1:1), Have confidence that what God says will happen (Jerimiah 17:7), be peaceful, desire to live right, be kind, have sympathy and empathy, have a pure heart (Matthew 5:4-1). It doesn't matter who you are, God is a fair benefactor and will treat each of us well.

A and K, do right and you will be blessed. Do wrong and God hand will be against you (Isaiah 63:10). You may think you may be of little importance in God's work, and it is true that some have been called to a greater responsibility than now have, but do not think for a moment that you are not important and are of little value to the Lord. God gives credence to you and the work he has called you to do. Right now I am just a utility maintenance man... I can let that get me down, especially when they keep restricting the work I am allowed to do, but I must remember who I really work for. It is the same for you. Do all your work, no matter how menial, as for the Lord himself (Colossians 3:23). Other may have a greater role than you, but you are different than they are. But, you are not worthless. You and the same value and are important to God!


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