Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Promised Land, Genesis 15:18

Promised Land

Genesis 15:18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To you descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river the Euphrates -

God promised the Hebrew people the land situated between Egypt and part way through what we know as Iraq. West to the Mediterranean and East to... I'm not sure where, to much to research in a morning. That said, the point of this is that God promised it to Abram. God took it from it wicked inhabitants and gave it to a people he chose. God, the creator of all, can allot land to whomever he desires. And he will keep his end of the agreement, his covenant. He promised them the land forever (Genesis 17:7). But, he also said that that if they broke the covenant, he would take them from the land until they repented (Deuteronomy 28-30).

A and K, I want you to see two things. First, the land over in the Middle East belongs to the people of Israel. God promised it to them forever. And that they would get to live there if the followed him. Second, God keeps his promises and expects us to do the same. We need to keep our part of the covenant if we are to enjoy the promises of God. There are many promises in God's Word, but they will not be yours if you do not love him with all your heart, body and soul (Matthew 22:37). Serve him then with all you have. Give no part of your devotion to the ways of the world and you shall receive eternal life and the blessings of his promises.


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