Tuesday, October 10, 2017

As Promised, Genesis 16:15-16

As Promised

Genesis 16:15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne.

In Hagar's misery, God saw her plight. She was tired and thirsty, yet her pain was greater than that. She was alone. She had fled Abrams household, because Sarai tormented her to the breaking point and no hope remained. But, into her misery the Lord came promising a future. Return, he said, And be subject to your mistress and I will protect you and your son. I will give you descendants that will be too numerous to count. Hagar obeyed and God fulfilled his promise by giving her a son. Abram named him Ishmael, the name given by the Lord. Ishmael means The Lord Hears!

Often, we hurt and seemingly have no place to turn. We are down and out, left hanging, ridiculed with no friend to console us. Yet the is a friend who cares (Proverbs 18:24). He not only sees our struggles but comes to us while we wallow in them. While there, he promises to deliver us (Ps 35:10), to raise us up, and protect us.

A and K, know that the Lord hears. But, not only does he hear, he also supplies your every need according to his great riches (Philippians 4:19). There are so many promises in his Word. One count reached over 3500 promises. That is an incredible amount. There is a promise that relates to any trial and trouble you have. Seek to know his Word. Google for promises to find hope in your circumstance. God will carry each of them out as you believe and trust in him.


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