Monday, October 2, 2017

Counted As Righteous, Genesis 15:6

Counted as Righteous

Genesis 15:6 Abram believed the Lord and it was credited to him as righteousness.

Righteousness is living according to God's way. Simply said, it is living right. Abram had just been told that even though he had no children, he would have many descendants who would come from his own body. Abram believed God and God counted it as righteousness on Abrams account. Abram was going to give all he had to one of his servants. His heir would not be from within. But God had other plans and Abram believed him even though he had no children... yet.

It is so easy for us to go through life and to realize it is not going as we planned. We want the perfect family of 1.4 children, and we now have 3. We want the beautiful home in the country but are stuck in the back street of some city. We sought the perfect training for the perfect job only to end up working the late shift as a utility maintenance guy. Do we really believe God is in control when life is not where we planned it to be?

K and A, God is in control (Romans 8:28) You can trust him for your future. He will take care of all your needs. You can relax in him (Matthew 6:34). Therefor believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31). This is not just for the forgiveness of sins. This truth is for his direction and protection his throughout your life. Salvation is a way of life not just a one time decision. May it be written that my daughters believed the Lord, and it was counted for them as righteousness because they trusted him!


PS. K, the beautiful home in the country is right around the corner from everything you need, 10 minutes max.

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