Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Spiritual Leader, Genesis 19:1a

A Spiritual Leader

Genesis 19:1a The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening , and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. ...

Lot had traveled from Ur to Haran with Abram and his fathers family. Then, as Abram was called to move on and leave his family, Lot chose to make the trek with him to a new land. As families and possessions grew in size, Lot's herdsmen began to quarrel with Abram's and it became necessary to separate company. Abram allow his nephew to chose the ground to live on. Lot moved his family and possessions to the plains and Abram pitched his tent among the hills of Canaan. Lot, choosing the well watered valley near Sodom, moved among the wicked who were sinning greatly (13:13).

Years later, we find that Lot has left the freedom of his tents live within the confines of the city of Sodom. Here the people have grown even more wicked. So much so that the Lord sent his angels to go and completely destroy not only Sodom but all the cities of the plains. This would include all that was living among them... This would include Lot and his household, his wife and two daughters. It is not recorded that he had other children.

Abraham pleaded with the Lord to not destroy the cities for the sake of the righteous, but not even ten righteous people could be found! As the angels reached Sodom, Lot was found sitting at the entrance to the city. He welcomed the visitors and invited them into his home to care for their needs just as Abraham had done. Seems to run in the family.

Lot was a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7) and bothered by the depravity of those living there, but that did not stop him from trying to be an influence. In fact, from where he was found, at the entrance to the city, he appears to be an elder of the city. This gives him input into policy and decision making in the city. Lot, despite being in an extreme minority, lived and taught and judged righteously.

K and A, no matter where you go, lead in righteousness. Be the Spiritual example you need to be. That is lacking in society and in our churches today. Many are teaching to follow what is popular or trendy. Go along, don't make waves, can't we all just get along. But that is where Satan wants you. But you can be a spiritual leader within and outside the church. Show to those in today's church that the Bible is still relevant. Give biblically sound arguments on why Christ ways are right and just. Remain holy even those around you may not be. That is the way it was for Lot. You too can rise above and be spiritual leaders.


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