Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mistrust Breeds Fear, Genesis 16:6

Mistrust Breeds Fear

Genesis 16:6 "Your servant is in your hands," Abram said. "Do with her whatever you think best." Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her.

Sarai believe God was keeping her from having children, so she gave Abram her maidservant as a wife in order for the promise of God to be realized. She did not trust the Lord to carry out his promise through her. Certainly God has another plan so Sarai "helped" God out by making a way for him to succeed. When Hagar became pregnant and began to despise Sarai, Sari became indignant at both Hagar and Abram. Foolishly Abram allowed her to abuse Hagar. She became afraid that Hagar would take her place (my surmise).

Trusting God is necessary for peace of mind. When we do not believe God can handle a situation in our life, when life seems to fall apart and we wonder where God, we begin to take life by the horns and control our own destination. God says that we are to trust him and not to lean on what we think is best (Proverbs 3:5 & 6). The fear that causes us to mistrust God will only grow, and we will begin to take it out on others and Sarai did. 

K and A, It is one thing to become concerned not to knowing where God is leading. But, when he has given us a clear understanding of his leadings, through his Word or by the Spirit, we do not need to fear. For, when you walk in your own wisdom, you will find that anxiety increases and the lack of trust will multiply as well, causing you to lash out on those you love. This will create mistrust between them and you and fear will grow. Do not be anxious. Pray to God. Seek his will. He will bring peace to your heart and relationships (Phillipians 4:6 & 7).


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