Thursday, October 19, 2017

Immediate Obedience, Genesis 17:22-27

Immediate Obedience

Genesis 17:23 On that very day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money, every male in his household, and circumcised them, as God told him.

After God had finished speaking to Abraham about the covenant he had offered, he left him. Abraham was not slow in obeying. That very day, Abraham carried out the requirement of the agreement. He did not waver in his faith (Romans 4:20). No, he acted on what God had told him to do, that very day.

When God calls us into his service, we need to act right away. The proof of our faith is in our action. Hebrews 11 says it this way; Abel Offered, Noah Built, Abraham Went, Isaac & Jacob Blessed, Joseph Instructed, Moses Refused, Rahab Welcomed, Others Conquered, Administered, and Gained, Women Received, and Some Faced. Like Abraham, all of these were commended for their faith for believing in the promise God had spoken to them. They acted on the word of the Lord, because they believed.

Young Ladies, I rarely used this saying my father said many times as he put his children, under someone else's authority. It went something like this; Listen son, when Mr. Lehman tells you something, you need to listen. When he says jump, on your way up, ask how high. Can you grasp the immediacy of the expected response? Your grandpa wanted us to be ready to move, immediate obedience. The mind has already been primed to obey.

K & A, you do not have to wonder if what God asks is practical or not, nor do you need to be concerned if it is the best road for you to travel. Get moving. Put your faith into action right away. Trust him for he knows what he is doing. When the Lord calls you to go, put yourself in gear, hit the accelerator, and ask: where to? Then, put your seatbelt on.


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