Thursday, October 26, 2017

Find Peace At Home, Genesis 18:33

Find Peace At Home

Genesis 18:33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

Abraham knew it was over for the people in the plains. It is not recorded that the Lord had told Abraham that Lot was to be spared, but even if he had many, many people would die. Abraham, certainly distraught, went home to his wife and family.

This is not an interpretation of scripture it is an observation. Notice where Abraham did not go... He did not go to the local bar to find solace as he drank his sorrows away. He did not go to the local men's club and tell the latest news on Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't hang out with his friends tell stories and laugh it up to forget was to happen. No! He went home to his family.

K and A, Home is where we go when life is joyous. Home is where we go when life goes sour. Build up your family ties. Care for each other. Spend time together. Make your (future) children tough it out. Don't let them leave the room and go play when the grown up talk. Make them sit. Make them listen. Boring is an attitude. Tell them to change their attitude. Then when times get rough and life goes sour they will return to find solace together not run to drug or alcohol. They will find peace and love at home, not in so prostitute or girl/boyfriend. And the same goes for your husband. Build the ties of the marriage. You marry the person to be with them, so spend your time together. Pray and study together. That's what a marriage is to be. You care and share and spend time with each other. After all, God has made you to be as one.


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