Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yes You Did, Genesis 18:12-15

Yes You Did

Genesis 18:15 Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, "I did not laugh." But he said, "Yes you did laugh."

The Lord heard Sarah laugh and called her out. He questioned her faith by surmising that she did not believe God was able to make the seemingly impossible happen. She knew she was barren and that they were up in years, and there is no way for them to conceive a child. It would not happen. So, when Sarah felt the sting of the accusation, she responded by saying she did not laugh. But, the Lord knew her heart and knew what she had said. He spoke directly to her and spoke four words... "Yes You Did Laugh." Sarah's head must have hung low, for the truth had been revealed.

We can be assured that the Lord knows our thoughts (Psalm 94:11), and that we cannot hide from him what we think or  what we do. In fact, what we do in secret will be made known, and others will also know (Luke 8:17). We are called to be truthful (Ephesians 4:25), honest before both God and man. Therefor we must say what is true and be trustworthy, even when what we say will condemn us as it had Sarah. She didn't have the faith, so she lied both to the Lord and to herself.

A and K, are you truthful in all circumstances? You can fool others for a time, but you cannot fool the Lord ever. He knows what you did and what your thoughts were and what they are now. He knows your heart better than you do (Jeremiah 17:9, 1 John 3:20). Always be honest. You do not want to be caught in a lie for it brings disgrace. Your character will be smeared, and it will be difficult to rebuild. Admit when you are wrong for truth brings the freedom we all seek.


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