Saturday, October 21, 2017

Serve with Joy, Genesis 18:6-8

Serve With Joy

Genesis 18:6 So Abraham hurried into his tent to Sarah, "Quick," he said, "get three seahs of fine flour and knead it and bake some bread."

Abraham was pleased that his guests said they would stay for dinner. Abraham had no food prepared, no bread, no meat, yet he offered to be hospitable. He ran to his tent, commissioned his wife, and ran off to select a choice, tender calf from his herd. While the men rested under the shade of the great trees of Mamre, Abraham diligently and eagerly prepared food for his guests.

Abraham bubbled over with joy at the news that he could serve guests at his home. He offered, they accepted, and he ran to prepare them from the best that he had. What a great lesson for us! As servants of God, isn't it incumbent of us to serve in the same manner. This is not only true in serving God, but in serving others, even strangers as Abraham did. It is a joy to be a servant of the Lord. Jesus came not to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28), and we are to be like him (1 Corinthians 11:1).

We also see that Abraham got his family involved. Immediately after they said they would stay for dinner, Abraham sought out his wife and she, with no record of complaining, got to it and prepared bread and whatever else was necessary to serve her guests. Eagerly she served along side her husband.

K and A, it is a joy to serve the Lord. But not only that, it is a joy to serve your spouse, especially for a wife to serve her husband. You were created to serve your husband, God made you for him. You are the one best suited for him to help him, to go along side him (Genesis 2:20-21). In fact, that is why a man leaves home (Genesis 2:24). This is what your mother has been for me. You would do well to imitate her.

Like Abraham, I have asked her many times to bake me a pie or cookies to take to work the next day, so at ten o'clock at night, she gathers the ingredients and rolls out the dough to start a pie. Like Sarah, no complaints, not hesitation, just love. She has dealt with all of my failings with grace and love, and rarely, if ever, does she ever complain. She has worked hard along side me. There is no better helper than your mother. Most of all she loves the Lord and serves him with joy! Daughters, emulate your mother and serve your husband and most of all serve the Lord with joy and gladness! (Psalm 100:2)


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