Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yes Way, Genesis 18:9-12

Yes Way

Genesis 18:12 So, Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, "After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?"

One of the identities of the three visitors was revealed in this passage. The Lord in bodily form came to meet with Abraham and Sarah. After dinner was over, the Lord spoke to Abraham asking for his wife, Sarah. She was standing in the entrance to their tent listening in on the conversations that was happening under the shade trees. Having already been told that they would have a son, it was now revealed by the Lord that this child would be born by this time next year. Sarah laughed at the idea.

You may remember that Abraham also laughed when God first told them that Sarah would give birth. But, we know that God reassured them and Abraham believed (Chapter 17). So, what makes Sarah now laugh when the timeline of the birth has been given ? It is because Sarah continues to doubt. She did not have the faith to believe God knew what he was talking about. She said no way. She didn't believe God could do it, so she scoffed at the silliness of it all.

A and K, do you ever doubt God? Is what he promised seem silly or impossible? Have you started on the path of obedience, and because it began to take too long, you give up and wonder if you even heard God's voice? You can trust God's Word. What he says will come to pass! Don't scoff at his promise and say no way, for with God it is yes way. He will do it! Trust him.


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