Friday, October 6, 2017

Pain Of Not Waiting, Genesis 16:4b & 5

Pain Of Not Waiting

Genesis 16:4b When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.

Hagar used to love and care for her mistress. Whatever she needed, she would supply. She was so loyal that Sarai offered her to be the surrogate mother of her children, another wife to please her husband. But, when she became pregnant, she stopped loving and began to hate. The plan devised by worldly wisdom turned sour and sin crept in.

When we can't wait and choose to go our own way... sin creeps in. Man's heart is wicked, who can know it (Jerimiah 17:9) Going counter to the ways of Christ ushers in sinful ways. It not that God doesn't want us to make choices. Rather, it is that our decisions need to align with his. Waiting is not only stopping and listening for God to speak. It is patiently allowing his methods as prescribed in his Word to work out.

K and A, His Word says do not be anxious about anything... make your requests know to God (Philippians 8:4). You must be willing to allow his Word to produce fruit in your life. Rushing it causes a poor harvest, and you will be weak and constantly struggle against sin. By using his methods; breaking up the fallow ground (Hosea 10:12), receive the word (Matthew 13:1-23), water it (1 Corintians 3;7), and letting God make it grow, you will produce a harvest 30, 60, 100 times the Word planted in you (Matthew 18:8). Then you mature and be filled with joy and peace absent of sin.


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