Friday, October 20, 2017

Servant of Strangers, Genesis 18:1-5

Servvat of Strangers

Genesis 18:5 Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way - now that you have come to your servant.

Abraham was relaxing at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Possibly, he was sipping on some cool goats milk while kicked back in his hemp roped lounge chair. Then again, maybe not. Back to the story... At one point Abraham looks up and notices three man coming towards his home and ran to meet them. He bowed low and bid them to come to his home and rest under the shade of his trees. There, he would supply them with food and drink and also water for their feet. It was Abraham's desire to care for the visitors and supply their needs. They accepted.

How is it with us? Do we notice the needs of others? Can we see when others are hurting? It is important that we look out for others. Recognize the needs of others before your own and attend to them (Philippians 2:4). This is not what the world says. No, I have had it told to me many times, If you don't look out for yourself, then who will? A fellow Christian will! That is what we do. Yet, we not only do good to our fellow believers, we care for strangers as well. The fact is that some have entertained - showed kindness, hospitality - angels when they thought they were just helping a stranger in need (Hebrew 13:2). 

K and A, This is exactly what Abraham was doing. He figured the travelers were tired and weary from the dusty walk during the heat of the day. He not only offered to feed them he offered himself, his family, his possessions. He didn't know these men, yet he had compassion on them. You will have ample opportunity to do the same in your life. Jesus calls you to be the servant of all (Mark 9:35). Never become haughty (Proverbs 16:18) and think helping others is beneath you. Be willing to do the mundane or even the "dirty" jobs others wont do. Be a servant of others, even to the stranger. You never know who they might be.


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