Monday, October 9, 2017

He Noticed Me, Genesis 16:13-14

He Noticed Me

Genesis 16:13 She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," foe she said, "I have now seen the one who see me."

Feeling thirsty and tired, Hagar stops for a drink by the spring near Shur. She had fled the abuse of her mistress and was on the road to nowhere. Where should she go, possibly back home to Egypt? Alone and pregnant, no future for her, what would become of her? Then, in the midst of her heartache and sadness, the Lord steps. He sees her plight and knows her sorrows. God sends an angel to strengthen her. After the Lord speaks to her, her spirits are lifted. She knows she has had an encounter with the Lord!

What do we do when we are unsure of where to turn? Do we decide to go our own way? Pull ourselves up by our proverbial boot straps and forge ahead? Contrary to today's church wisdom, God does help those who help themselves, but only as they help themselves to his bounty. They must come and take a seat at his table and dine with him. God sees us when we hurt. Don't head back to Egypt, the world, to find solace and hope, for their hope is only temporary, a flash in time. Seek the Lord, and he will strengthen you and lift you up and return you to life and joy which will last for eternity.

Daughters, when you are alone and don't know which way to turn, know that God is not napping. He is quite aware of your situation. He is reaching out to you and desires to lift you. Look for him. Take his hand and walk to his table and fill your soul with food that satisfies....

Maybe you have been like me when I was young. I wished certain persons would notice me and when I thought I caught their eye, my heart would flutter. Oh, what a exhilarating feeling to be noticed by someone you like...

There is nothing better than being noticed by God. This is especially true when going through a tough time. When you know he has seen you in your plight, your spirits will be lifted and joy will fill your heart and soul. K and A, seek the Lord with all your heart (Deuteronomy 4:29), for you will find him. He is there waiting for you to take his hand.


Come and Dine

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