Wednesday, October 11, 2017

God's Expectation, Genesis 17:1-2

God's Expectation

Genesis 17:1  When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless."

Abram, God's chosen one from among all mankind. I know of no place which tells why God chose him. His greatest attribute was that he trusted God. He believed that God would do as he promised even when it seemed unlikely or even impossible to come true. It had been 24 years since he was called to leave his father's household for a new land where God would establish his family forever. Up to this point, God doesn't appear to be to be following through, yet Abram continues to trust him, believing God will work it out. Through the years, he tried to aid God in working it out, but God tells him that his plan is another way. He needs to continue to trust him. Around thirteen years after Ishmael was born, God appeared to Abram again and reminded him of his promise. He told Abram to remain faithful by walking blamelessly before him.

We often pray and wonder why God doesn't act immediately. In Revelation (22:12) we read that God said he would come quickly, yet it is almost 2000 years later, and he hasn't returned. What takes God so long? Maybe, God is patient? Maybe, he wants us to learn to trust him fully? Maybe, we aren't prepared for what he is ready to give? Maybe, others around us aren't ready for what God is wanting to do? We do not know the mind of God (Romans 11:34). He is not slow in keeping promises (2 Peter 3:9), but he doesn't work on our timeline or in our wisdom. He moves at just the right time when he deems best.

K and A, has God promised you something, besides the over 3200 promises in the Bible. What are you to do when the promises have yet to be realized? Do this: live faithfully. Live in such a way that everyone around you knows that you do not follow the ways of the world, but that you follow Christ. Walk with him and be blameless. Live such good lives among your [friends and co-workers] that, thought they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God (1 Peter 2:12). This is God's expectation for you. He desires and expects holy living. He will fulfil his promise and you are to fulfil yours. Believing in Christ includes living faithfully for him.


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