Sunday, March 31, 2019

Little Sin, No Big Deal?! 2 Timothy 3:13

Little Sin, No Big Deal?!

2 Timothy 3:13 while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

There are may people who believe that sins come in degrees of badness. To some extent, that is true, for in the Old Testament sins had a different degree of restitution. For example, if a man sinned, he must sacrifice a female goat to the Lord, if he sins against God, he must present a Ram, and if he sinned against his neighbor, then he must present a ram and pay a penance. And their are some sins that took the life of the one committing them.

A and K, I said all that for clarification... some sins are more egregious than others. Yet, that does not mean it makes no difference if you commit a less egregious one. First of all, an eternal fire is prepared for the devil, his angels, and all whose names are not in the book of life. The Word says that all liars have a place in the lake of fire, not just those who tell really "big whoppers". And second, and one of the points of this verse and my writing, small sins lead to bigger ones. You cannot expect to sin against yourself, your neighbor, or against God in a little manner and not expect it to have a greater consequence. Do not fool yourself into thinking some sin is so minor that it has no eternal consequence... as this verse says, it will go from bad to worse. You will not only deceive others you will have deceived yourself! Stay true. Allow no sin to control you. Master it before it masters you!


Saturday, March 30, 2019

True Sign Of A Godly Life: I Won't, 2 Timothy 3:12

True Sign Of A Godly Life: I Won't

2 Timothy 3:12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

This doesn't take long to interpret... if you want to live a godly life, you will be persecuted. Pretty straight forward, wouldn't you say. In fact, that is true for all believers. Maybe that is why so many people, who call themselves Christians, aren't godly, they avoid persecution. Sometimes they get mistreated for their wrong actions... that's not persecution. That is justice.

A and K, I do not like pain. I avoid it. Part of persecution is physical pain, but there are other common forms of persecution that you will face, like pressure to conform, discrimination, or being ostracized for being a Christian. I am looking for a different job, many that I qualify for that are good paying, require me to work on Sunday and compromise my faith... I won't. In my current job, I sought a promotion into management. It required being a ruthless, demanding, give no slack kind of supervisor... I won't. Many times co-workers come together and cut others down, have course talk, make crude sexual remarks, go out drinking... I won't. Daughters, do what ever it takes to be godly. It will put you on opposing sides of most people, but Paul says that is normal for people who say... I won't


Friday, March 29, 2019

Signs Of Godliness: List 2, 2 Timothy 3:11

Signs  Of Godliness: List 2

2 Timothy 3:11 persecutions, sufferings - what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet, the Lord rescued me from them all.

Signs of  Godliness,  List 2:
  • Persecutions
  • Sufferings
This is a short list, and the characteristics are certainly not to what most Christians would aspire. Who likes suffering and who like being persecuted? I don't know anyone, yet this is what Paul went through. My next post will discuss the certainty for persecution in the life of a Christian. One might say, I don't think all Christians need to go through persecution. If you offer the gospel with love and the right attitude, others will accept it. And, even if they don't they won't reject you, because you haven't been arrogant, holier-than-thou nor obnoxious.

A and K, that is the common thought of today; if we don't judge people nor condemn them... we'll all just get along and everyone will become Christians. The sad truth is that, because of that attitude, the church has become so much like the world, we often can't tell one from the other. You must understand, that if you are a true Christian, persecution and suffering will come.

Oh, and one other thing about this verse... another misconstrued thought is that we may have to suffer for a time, but it will soon all be over and everything will be great, after all Paul did say, the Lord rescued me from them all. So he did, but then died at the hand of Nero, most of the other disciples did as well. More on this next time. Odd for me to end on a negative note... how about, all who die in the Lord are the winners in eternity!


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Signs Of Godliness: List 1, 2 Timothy 3:10

Signs Of godliness: List 1

2 Timothy 3:10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, my faith, patience, love, endurance, 

I discussed in a previous post Paul's description of people who were evil; lovers of themselves, pleasure, and money, proud, disobedient, unforgiving and more. Here we see a description of those who are godly. Let me list those as I had done for evil:
  • Teacher
  • Open life
  • Purposeful living
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • Love
  • Endurance
Notice the characteristics of a godly person: They have a reason to live. They do not just exist, but go about fulfilling a purpose. People around them see who they are. They are not secretive in their faith, nor do they have a double life, appearing godly in one setting and flirting with evil in another. Because their lives are open, people learn from them, not only from how they live but from what they say. Their faith is evident. They are patient with others because they truly love them. And even when they come up against opposition, they endure the hardship, so that others may find Christ.

A and K, be godly! Care about those around you. Live a life worthy of being called a Christian, one of God's children, for that is what you are. Live with purpose, do not just go around existing with no point in living. And, make that purpose godly, teaching those around you through patience and love, being willing to endure whatever Satan brings against you and into whatever God assigns you to. Be the holy woman God calls you to be.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Weak-Willed, 2 Timothy 3:6


2 Timothy 3:6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weaked-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires.

I need to make a clarification on my post a few days back. Let's take a second look at verse 6. What I wrote before still fits the context of the scripture, but I needed to stress its specific meaning.

This time I want to stress the weak-willed woman. Weak-willed women are the ones who are loaded down with sins. They are weak because their desires are evil. Being weak in their faith, they have become loaded down with many sins. When false teachers come, these women are easily confused and sin abounds because they are not holy people who are set apart for God's service. They attend church and look holy for their own edification.

A and K, It's not all about you. Going to church is not about making you feel good. You don't get saved just so you can escape hell! Certainly, being a Christian is beneficial for your complete being; spirit, soul, and body. Yet, you excel in your faith, not to get something from God, but to glorify Christ and the church. That is why Paul was willing to suffer hardship and pain, and without this understanding, you will not be willing to suffer for the faith. It would make no sense. So, build up your faith to keep from being weak. If you don't, evil desires will come and you will become loaded down with sins and take away the glory Christ and his church deserve.


  For Christ and the Church  There are no real videos of this song that I could find. Click the Audio File: MIDI to play the tune then sing along. (Video it and post online)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Expose Evil, 2 Timothy 3:9

Expose Evil

2 Timothy 3:9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

Two thought here for me: one - be sure your sins will find you out, and two - it's not that oh, don't worry about it God will make every thing work out, while we sit idly by.

On the first thought, we know that our sins will eventually be found out. We cannot hide them from God ever and at some point others will find out as well. Those who destroy the church thru hidden agendas, or misguided beliefs will eventually be exposed. The sad point is, many are often destroyed in the mean time. This leads to point two.

It is true that evil will be exposed, but if we do not stand against it to expose it, many innocent people will be hurt or destroyed in the mean time. It is our duty to God and the church, to speak out when we see evil on the move. Paul was encouraging Timothy to stand firm... the evil doers would be found out, so stay faithful and keep fighting for what is right. If Timothy would abandon the fight , the weak-willed in the church would be overtaken by evil.

A and K, take comfort in knowing Christ will defend his church. We can be assured that no matter what silliness or evil that infiltrates the church, Christ will take action... BUT he takes it through those that are faithful to the truth. If you sit idly by without a care saying it doesn't seem right but this must be what God wants or he wouldn't allow it to happen, then sin and evil will prevail until someone is willing to stand against it. God most often works through people who are willing to take a stand. So, love God and others, have  self-control, live a righteous life, do not be proud. Speak the truth in love so others will know God is at work.


Monday, March 25, 2019

Defend the Truth, 2 Timothy 3:8-9

Defend The Truth

2 Timothy 3:8  Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth - men of depraved minds, who, as far as faith is concerned, are rejected.

That is a strong statement; your faith has been rejected! Yet this remains - there were people in the church who opposed the truth. For quite a few verses now, Paul has described these types of people. He says they; vs. 2:19 - don't turn away from wickedness, vs. 22 - hang on to evil desires and don't pursue righteousness, vs. 3:2-4 - are proud, love money, ungrateful, not holy, brutal, love pleasures, not empowered by the Spirit, but they do look good. That way they can, vs. 6, worm their way into people's hearts and trick them into following them.

A and K, stand up! We sang that in church yesterday. You must take a stand for the truth. Oh, it must be done properly, with kindness and love, with a desire that all who oppose the truth will come to their senses and repent before God (vs. 25-26), but stand nevertheless. You need to be the catalyst to enable this to happen. Do not sit idly by while the truth is marred by man's wisdom. Stand up and defend the truth in the power of the Word and in his Spirit!


  Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 2, 2 Timothy 3:7

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 2

2 Timothy 3:7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth

Have you ever met someone that loves to be in church but never seems to mature as a Christian? Paul spoke of these kind of people. In Hebrews he stated that the people should be able to be teachers, but they do not even know the elementary truths of the God's Word. How did Paul know that they didn't grasp God's Word?.. because they didn't live righteous lives and couldn't distinguish between good and evil.

Problem makers in the church have been there long enough to know right from wrong, but they persist in being ungodly. Although they look good to others, their actions define them as otherwise. So, they puff themselves up by acting religious. They promote their own wisdom, teaching falsehoods. Many are led astray, and turmoil begins to ebb away at the foundations of the church. Like termites, they gnaw at the fabric of its stability.

A and K, by this point in your life you should be living a life pleasing to the Lord. This is not because of your age but because you grew up in church. You have heard the truths of the Word and been taught right from wrong. Righteousness should second nature to you by this time. By now, you need to be consuming the deep truths of our faith so you can help develop the next generation. If you do not grow deeper in your faith, your teachings will be full of your wisdom and you will lead others astray. Do not be a worm that destroys, rather be a creature that builds others up in the faith.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 1, 2 Timothy 3:6

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 1

2 Timothy 3:6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weaked-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires.

I wrote about the characteristics of godless, evil church-goers; lovers of money and pleasures, unholy, lacking self-control. These characteristics are lived out in their lives as they make trouble in the church. Here are a few:
  • They slime their way into homes to divide and destroy. 
  • They seek to gain control over others who are spiritually weak
  • They are loaded down with many kinds of sin
  • Their desires are evil and they cannot control them
A and K, for certain, keep yourself from becoming one of these people. But, more than that, stay alert for people who act this way. Do not become one of the weak-willed women that Paul is talking about. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power so that you might be able to stand the attacks of the devil. Satan uses people around us to trap us. Be wary of those who fit the mold Paul describes here. They will slime up against you and trap you when you least expect it.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Stay Away, 2 Timothy 3:5b

Stay Away

2 Timothy 3:5b Have nothing to do with them.

Really, Really. That is in the Bible? Is Paul saying that we should stay away from evil people? How can we reach people for Christ if we are to have nothing to do with them?

No, I do not believe that is what Paul is saying. Remember that I do not write these posts as a strict exegetical review of Scripture nor a hermeneutical one for that matter. I am taking the obvious and expounding on it through the use of similar verses in the Bible and try to use that to help you, my daughters, to desire a true and deeper relationship with Christ your Savior.

That said - looking at this text in a exegetical way, Paul was talking to Timothy about evil people who have infiltrated the church. He, as a leader, was to have nothing to do with them. Do not try to appease them. Do not try to reason with them. Do not try to argue against their foolishness. It will destroy the church and the spiritual lives of many.

A and K, you will have to associate with evil people at work, in the store, and sometimes in the church. You will have to love and often forgive them. That is the right thing to do. How will they ever see a true example of Christ if you do not "live" among them? Bu,t as a leader, you must never put up with those that have a form of godliness but are not truly living for the Lord yet try to influence the body of Christ. Stay away from them! They are out to destroy.


False Godliness, 2 Timothy 3:5a

False Godliness

2 Timothy 3:5a having a form of godliness but denying its power.

Paul was telling Timothy how evil the last days are going to be. People would look good, but down inside they are full of evil. Now the people he was talking about are church people. Not all church people but the cunning, conceited, prideful type of church people. They do the right things around others at the right time, but when among their friends or at work... you would never know they profess to be Christians. They do good things, say the right words, but it is only a facade. They are fake. They claim Christ, but their deeds deny him.

A and K, I know people like this. I work with people like this. You probably do too. But, what do others think of you. Do your deeds prove your godliness? Do your words and actions outside of Christian circles deny that you know Christ? I pray that they don't. Love God, despise pleasures, do good, being willing to forgive, and love those that tear you down. Put others' needs your before your own interests. Value others more than yourself. This is how true Christians act. They are living in the power of the Spirit and walk in true holiness,


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Signs Of Evil: List 3, 2 Timothy 3:4

Signs Of Evil, List 3

2 Timothy 3:4 People will be treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

List 3 of The Signs of Evil
  • Treacherous
  • Rash
  • Conceited
  • Lovers of Pleasure
  • Not Lovers of God
The last in the list of the signs of evil noted by Paul to Timothy. He was to be on the lookout for people who embodied these attributes.

The first in this third list I did not understand. I heard of treacherous waters but did not equate the word with people. But, now that I know the definition, I see how the two correlate. You may understand that treacherous water to be something dangerous to cross or boat in, but when you use its definition with the one related to people it takes on new understanding. Treacherous waters can act like people. When you think all is safe the water tricks you and over the waterfalls you go. You turn your boat and the water blindsides you and flips the boat over and you into the water. The water looks shallow and safe to cross, but the undercurrent and hidden deep crevices deceive you and take you under..... It is all the same with treacherous people: they are there to fool you, blindside you and cause you to fall head first, they are backstabbers and traitors. You see them as calm cohorts, but you find that they are double-crossing dupes ready to destroy you.

Keep alert for the signs of evil. Do not make rash decisions thinking you know it all. Watch out for people who do. Be wary of their narcissistic ways. They only want to use you to build themselves up. They look in all the wrong places for a good time when they do not know what a good time really is. And, when it comes to spiritual things.. it is all about feeling good. What can I get from following God? 

A and K, I write often about not seeking pleasures, how they destroy your life. Proverbs says that if you love pleasures, you will become poor... and that is true both physically and most importantly spiritually! Seeking pleasure is a sign of evil. The worldly church of today loves to promote having a good time. That is why I talk about it so much. It is a treacherous stream of water that looks so inviting yet is so dangerous. My prayer is that you are a lover of God and his ways. Jesus was the greatest servant, the best there was yet not proud, Accomplished a great number of amazing things but took no foolish steps to get there. Love his ways and follow his example and serve faithfully keeping your feet from evil.


Signs of Evil: List 2, 2 Timothy 3:3

Signs of Evil: List 2

2 Timothy 3:3 People will be without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good,

List 2 of Signs of Evil
  • Without Love
  • Unforgiving
  • Slanderous
  • Without Self-control
  • Brutal
  • Not Lovers of Good
Evil is everywhere you look. You find in at work, in the schools, at the mall, in the stores, online, posted on Facebook, tweeted on Twitter, shown on TV programs, in the movies, sung in songs, danced to tunes... it is everywhere, sadly even in churches. 

A and K, what are you to do? How can you escape the evil that is in the world? You can't. In fact Jesus prayed to his Father not take you out of this world but that he would protect you from the evil one (John 17:15). I too desire that God keeps you from doing evil. And especially you know what evil is. Here we see some more attributes of evil: no love, unwilling to forgive those that wrong you - even before they ask for it! That is what Jesus did for you. And closely related, no bad mouthing or gossiping against someone who is against you. Do not be a fighter rather have self-control and help those that are doing you harm. And do good to those who mistreat you, even when those around you choose to retaliate. Be different. God is using you to affect the lives of those around you. Live for him.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Signs of Evil: List 1, 2 Timothy 3:2

Signs Of Evil: List 1

2 Timothy 3:2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.

I just want to list these differently so you can see each one by themselves. See if you recognize any of them as problems in your world.

List 1 of The Signs of Evil
  • Lovers of themselves
  • Lovers of money
  • Boastful
  • Proud
  • Abusive
  • Disobedient to their parents
  • Ungrateful
  • Unholy
A and K, have you identified situations where people acted like any of these? I am sure you have. Many people care only about themselves, how they can get ahead. They are too busy making money and have no time for God. Their way is always right. They back it up by tearing down others. They give no one else credit for their success, not their parents, not anyone. It was all them. They enjoy ungodly living and wallow in it. Be different, Show the world around you the beauty of holiness!


You Can Be Beautiful, 2 Timothy 3:1

You Can Be Beautiful

2 Timothy 3:1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

People wonder if things are getting more evil. Yes! And, it is the natural progression of things. Jesus said it would happen, Even Paul said that the days in his time were evil. Science says it. In simple terms, the second law of thermodynamics states that unless acted upon by another force, energy will dissipate and systems will fail.

K and A, the same is true in the world around us. The systems of the world are failing. Countries raise and fall. Plants grow, fruit ripens, then it rots. You get a new car, it runs great, develops problems, and eventually rusts away. It is the natural progression of things. And, it will be true with your life. Unless you are acted on by another force, the power of God, you too will waste away. Yet, even though these days are getting worse, you don't have to. Stick close to the Source of power which can enable you to be a perpetual example of God's glory. You can be beautiful today!


Monday, March 18, 2019

Held Captive, 2 Timothy 2:26

Held Captive

2 Timothy 2:26 and that they will come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

When Eve sinned, she was deceived by the serpent and chose to sin. Adam, too, chose to sin. Because Adam listened to his wife and ate of the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, sin and death comes to all man. We are born in sin, not as pure, innocent children. We do not become polluted by the world around us, rather we are being held captive by the devil.

But, God provided a way for us to be reconciled back to himself, it is through the blood of his son, Jesus Christ, which purifies from all sin. He breaks the chains of sin and death sets us free. We are no longer held captive by the devil! Eve and Adam had a choice to make, and they chose to listen to the devil and sinned against God. We have a choice to make, remain captives or listen to the call of the Spirit and choose freedom.

K and A, you have chosen to be free. That's wonderful! But, each day is a choice will you surrender to God or surrender to Satan. God's way is the best way, God's way  is the right way. Trust him aways to keep you free form being held captive by the chains of sin.


  God's Way Could not find a English version sing these lyrics while listening.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Instruct Gently, 2 Timothy 2:25

Instruct Gently

2 Timothy 2:25 Those who oppose him, he must gently instruct,in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.

How should we act when others disagree or oppose us? Jesus says we are to love our enemy. He says that we must not retaliate, but go the extra mile for them. In this verse, Paul is helping Timothy understand that opposition is not to be dealt with harshly. Instead Timothy was to instruct leaders to teach the truth gently in order that the opposition might repent and learn the truth. Certainly, there are times when evil is set destroy the church and must be dealt with firmly as Jesus spoke of in Matthew, but Christ is clear on how to respond to personal attacks - we must not fight back!

K and A, your service to God will come with times of opposition. Some will flee your presence, others will stand in opposition to your wisdom. Still, others will fight to destroy you and your reputation. Through all this, stand for the truth. Allow God to take vengeance, for he knows when and how tough to respond. You must be gentle and kind, loving and caring for believers and non-believers alike with the desire for God to lead them to the knowledge of the truth. This is the goal you must have for everyone you meet no matter who they might be.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Never Quarrel, 2 Timothy 2:23-24

Never Quarrel

2 Timothy 2:24 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

It is not right for a believer to quarrel. There are times when we must argue a point, but when the topic is just foolish and stupid, we are to shut our mouth and walk away and not quarrel. When a valid topic is discussed it produces understanding and truth can promoted. But, from a quarrel comes hatred and division. We begin to detest the other party and cannot come to a resolution. Lies, deceit, and anger reign. We will not be kind, which we are called to be. No, we will harbor resentment.

K and A, there will come times in life when you will have a point to make. If it is a valid and important issue, argue that point, otherwise keep your mouth shut. How can you love your enemy if you begin to resent them. That is what quarreling does, it separates people. It is true in the church and true in your marriage. Don't be a constant dripping, it drives people crazy and drives them away.


Pursue Holiness Together, 2 Timothy 2:22b,c

Pursue Holiness Together

2 Timothy 2:22b,c Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Paul had been talking to Timothy about the need for believers to rid there lives of wickedness and evil thoughts (desires). In turn, they were to be holy people, pursuing faith, love, and peace which would produce righteousness in their lives. This certainly is as much a command for us today as it was for Timothy and the churches to which he had ministered.

When we look around us and see the wickedness that is so prevalent, we can become discouraged in our walk with Christ... but take heart! Christ has overcome the world and does not expect us to walk alone. He says that he will not leave us with us. This is true in spirit but as we walk with other true believers, who also are pursuing holiness, we walk with the him - the body of Christ. So we walk in the power if the Spirit and the strength of his body.

K and A, you are not expected to walk alone. Not only are we, your physical family, here for you, so is your spiritual family. As you leave home, you choose where to attend church - which body of believers with whom you choose to serve God. Choose the family that pursues holiness out of a pure heart. Do not choose the one that seeks the acceptance of this world, one that seeks their own pleasure and personal fulfillment, nor the one that pursues Christ on Sunday and their own gratification the rest of the week. Righteousness is living right - choosing to be holy everyday. So, seek a church that that desires the same. One who pursues a true faith; one that lives in peace through acts of love.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Flee Evil - Pursue Righteousness, 2 Timothy 2:22a,b

Flee Evil - Pursue  Righteousness

2 Timothy 2:22a,b Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.

If is not enough to flee evil, we must go on to pursue righteousness in its place. Jesus tells what happens when an evil spirit leaves a man... it leaves, finds no place to go, comes back with other evil spirits to take over the man's life. Paul tells the Ephesians that they must be controlled by the Spirit. They are not to leave themselves open to the uncontrolled influence of alcohol (Eph. 5:18). Anyone who has been involved with people who have had addictions know that you cannot stop a bad habit without replacing it with a good one, or they will fall right back into the trap of sin.

K and A, you know this to be true. It happens with any type of habit. You must replace a bad habit, whether snacking on a bag of chips or wasting time on some social media site, with a habit that is beneficial to your life or you will be right back to what you were trying to escape, maybe to a greater extent. Flee evil by pursuing right living, by deepening your faith, by loving others though doing things for them, and flee evil desires by seeking peace with yourself and others. That is how you defeat temptations, get more of God and his ways and evil will flee from you.


Monday, March 11, 2019

Flee Evil Desires, 2 Timothy 2:22a

Flee Evil Desires

2 Timothy 2:22a Flee the evil desires of youth,

As Christians we must flee the evil desires of our youth. If you are like me, you might not have done much evil in your younger days. But then, you also must acknowledge there was some, for we are not born pure, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and if you do not think that is not true, then you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you. God's true children know that the forgiveness of our sin is not enough, we must also pursue right living. Wickedness has no place in the life of a Christian.

K and A, you are each quickly leaving the days of your youth and entering adulthood. But, I turned 18 a long time ago... That's true but a brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. This is good, for you have a few years to settle things with the Lord before you become set in your thinking at which time it will become even harder to alter your beliefs. Take a survey of your life now, what is it that you do not want to do the rest of your life? What silly or evil habits can your eliminate now, so they won't trail on behind you into your future?

That takes us back to this verse... flee the evil desires of youth. I have found that this fleeing is not a one time decision or act, it is an ongoing determination to keep your life free from sin. So, as you grow older, guard your heart and mind for sin will surely sprout and take wings if you do not, and the evil desires of youth will strangle your life. Be like Joseph, and run from evil. Resist the evil around you, so you may continue to stand and remain faithful.


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Useful To The Master, 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Useful To The Master

2 Timothy 2:21 If a man cleanses himself of the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work.

Most "christians" are satisfied that they have said the sinner's prayer and have since gotten on with life. You wouldn't want to become too religious, some Christian fanatic nut! But, God calls us to a life of holiness. In fact, that is what he has called us to since the creation of time. If we do not rid our lives of shameful acts, turning away from wickedness, we will not become useful servants to our Lord.

K and A, the sad part of this story is found in Matthew. Jesus says that if we are worthless servants, we will be thrown out into utter darkness where there is torment. I know, this isn't taught much any more. We do not want to be negative. In my teacher training I was once told that class rules should never have a negative command - do not yell, no running, etc... say things like walk slowly, use your inside voice. like so many other worldly concepts, we have taken that mindset into the church; You don't want to mention there is a hell, oh my, no! God loves us, so just mention the good stuff. Can anyone say Joel Olsteen?

Daughters, God has works which he prepared just for you, but how can he use you if you aren't willing to cleanse yourselves of the latter. And, if you didn't read  verse 20 that is the ignoble things of life - acts of unrighteousness. If you rid your life of sin and all that so easily entangles, you will be made holy and become useful to the Master and able to tackle the good works he has designed for you to do!


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Foundational Truth: Turn From Evil, 1 Timothy 2:19a, c

Turn From Evil

1 Timothy 2:19a, c Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: Everyone that confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.

This phrase sounds very familiar. Those who have grown up in church have heard it many, many times. Wait! This one is different. The ones everyone likes to quote goes... Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13) and if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). These certainly are good verses. They are usually part of a salvation message. But why isn't this one used. In fact, I don't even remember hearing it used. Yet, it certainly is needed in the church today.

K and A, evil deeds are not to be in your life. I am sure if I asked each of you, you would say you are a Christian. But, do you love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul? Do you love your neighbor as your own self, putting their needs above your own? Have you rid your life of all that hinders your faith? Do you do the good you know to do? How about evil deeds, have you put them out of your life? These are very important questions. They are a check to see if you are in the faith or have left to walk your own way. Daughters, it is not enough to just confess the name of the Lord. You must also rid your life of evil things. This is something you must do your entire life... take inventory of your life and see if you are truly in step with him, Turn from all that is evil and all that could be misconstrued as evil from your life.


There were many other verses I could have referenced here, but I didn't want the whole thing underlined. I hope you recognized them as you read the post.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Foundational Truth: The Lord Knows, 1 Timothy 2:19a, b

Foundational Truth: The Lord Knows

1 Timothy 2:19a, b Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: The Lord knows those who are his

A foundational truth of the church is that God cannot be fooled. People can pretend all they want, put on their best clothes and face, and say the kindest things at church on a Sunday morning, but the Lord knows the heart. God knows who belongs to him.

K and A, The Lord knows your heart. You can fool me, fool others in the church, but you cannot fool God. It is what is in your heart that determines your standing with God and makes you part of his church. The church you attend is a group of people who corporately say they want to serve God in a particular way... this is a good thing. I support it wholeheartedly. It is made up of many who are followers and others who are not! But, know that the True Church, The body of The Living Christ, is only made up of those who belong to the Lord. He knows who are his. That is both a warning for you and an encouragement. Believe on him, obey him, and live for him each day, despite what others do or say.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

God's Truths Stands Firm, 2 Timothy 2:17-19a

God's Truths Stand Firm

2 Timothy 2:19a Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm

Paul mentions in verse 17 that two of the church's leaders had turned away from the truth and their teachings have destroyed the faith of some. False teachings flourish. Certainly, Satan's lies appear pleasing to the eye and desirable. He has fooled many along the way. But, no matter what how often a lie has been told, nor matter how often it is believed. It does not change the truth and will not cause the foundation of church to weaken, for it is built on Jesus. He is the true Word and he never changes!

K and A, you can count on God and his Word. Establish him as the foundation of your life. When the world around you seems to fall apart, when trials and hardship come, when your life makes no sense, continue to stand on the truths of God's Word. There you will find security and hope! Many say not to worry, no one can destroy his church... that statement in itself is true, but it is a half truth. Most using that quip fail to consider how false teachings destroy the faith of many! This section of scripture reminds us of that tragedy.

But, you know to beware. Therefor do not grab on to all that looks pleasing to the eye. Rather, find out what pleases the Lord and grasp on to that!


Monday, March 4, 2019

Avoid Godlesss Chatter, 2 Timothy 2:16

Avoid Godless Chatter

2 Timothy 2:6 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.

(The following paragraph is my interpretation of the book of Timothy in general, you will not find it specifically written)

Now this verse is specifically written to a man leading the churches under his care. This man, Timothy, was commissioned by Paul to set up leadership, so the churches would be led by people who would hold to the solid doctrine given them during Paul's ministry. When Timothy came back to this area, some self-proclaimed leaders had begun to teach heresies and the people were being led astray. As Timothy began to set things straight, these peopled argued, and quarreled. Paul knew there was no point in trying to convince people who were confusing the others with their many words and half-truths. Joining in with their bouts of godless chatter just made things worse. Paul said don't try, it is pointless. Under Paul's authority, Timothy was to set the matter straight and declare the truth.

K and A, if you are involved in church matters, if you pay attention in SS class and in special meetings, you will hear all kind of half-truths. Some people will push ungodly agendas. You must always stand on the truth, but sometimes you will need to stop, shut your mouth and not participate. When you see the discussion bringing division, shut your mouth. Let the discussion die. If there is someone there that is young in their faith, go to them at a later time and show them the truth in the Scriptures.

Now, church isn't the only area where you find godless chatter. At school and at work, you have heard all kinds of things. At my work godless chatter is everywhere. Most times I choose to step back and never join in. Other times, I leave. There are a few times where a godly influence was called for and I have stood and "begged to differ".  There is a strange verse where Jesus says  to not throw your pearls before swine. We are not to take the holy things of life and give them to fools who just trample on the goodnesses of God for their sacrilegious jokes and degradation. It not only harms those who are spiritually weak, but it also harms those mocking God by causing them to be more and more ungodly.

One last sad note... many a Christian, who have not separated themselves from godless chatter at work or among acquaintances have been destroyed in their faith. They, over time, have begun to join in and become more and more ungodly themselves. Be careful, do not let that happen to you! You may want to be a Christian influence but unless you are speaking out against the chatter, you are part of it! Often, you need to hold your tongue and  just walk away.


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Careful What You Say, 2 Timothy 2:15b

Careful What You Say

2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

As God's workers, we are often called to interpret scriptures. It is common that we tell others what we think about the verses being discussed. This can be very dangerous, for what we think is a result of our upbringing and of others who have taught us, and our own experiences. The can be far from the truth found in the particular scripture . So what are we to do? We need to always prove the scripture by the Spripture. The Word does not lay as a dead document, just words on a page. No, it is living!

Careful here, it is NOT living in the sense that is changes to meet each culture or point in time. That teaching is heresy. It living in the sense that it speaks, it moves, it exhorts, it convicts. It is present tense, the Word. It is God, his mouth, his heart, his being. Therefore, all of it is a living and one part does not supersede the other. Its truths are universally sound. We see his character proved throughout. So, when someone says God is a cruel dictator, we don't just look at the verse they point to, we look at the entirety of the Bible and see God is a loving God, slow to anger and abounding in love. When they says that Paul became like the culture he was in, we know that doesn't give us an excuse to be like the world around us for her also says, do not conform to the world.

K and A, be careful how to handle the word of God. This is true in respect to what you tell others, but just as important or more importantly, it is key in your own life. Allow the Spirit to confirm the truths. Like the Bereans, clarify everything. This is why I try to list links to verses, both Old and New Testament. That way you can verify the truth by using the Scriptures themselves.


Approved By God, 2 Timothy 2:15a

Approved By God

2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

As followers of Christ, we are to live in such a way that our Father, who is in heaven, is pleased with us. We are not only his workman, we are his workmanship. He has created us to do good works in his name. Therefor we work and strive to do well in all we do, knowing that we are actually working for him. All we do is done for him.

K and A, You too are God's workmanship, created by him to do good. You are his special creation. There are things he has for you to do. If you are like me at all, you ask yourself at times, what does have God instore for me? What am I to do in this life? Remember this, daughters do not wait for the Lord to tell you what to do... you already know the good you ought to do. You have the Scriptures to show you that.

Also, remember that your greatest ability is your availability. Be ready and willing to go where ever he calls you. In the meantime, be obedient to what you already know. He is, even now, preparing you for what lay ahead. Trust him for that. You may not know where God is calling you, but you do know where is placed you now... serve him as one approved, then you can count on him to direct your paths.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Do Not Quarrel, 2 Timothy 2:14b

Do Not Quarrel

2 Timothy 2:14b Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.

How about this definition for quarrel: a heated argument usually over something frivolous. Paul knew that the church cannot stand if we quarrel among ourselves. Quarreling divides unity and destroys the fabric of the church. As he says here; It has no value!

K and A, it is important that we don't misuse this verse. Standing firm over spiritual issues very important. Being willing to make a convincing argument in a calm manner to promote the truths of Scripture is necessary, But, you must keep yourself from foolish and silly arguments over pointless issues that make no eternal difference. I doubt that at this point in life this is a problem for either of you, but keep it in mind as you mature in your faith for there will be a day that you must hold your tongue.

One more thought... this is very important in the church, and it is also very important in a marriage. K, maybe you already found this out. If not, you will! Learn to keep from quarreling proverbs says a lot about this. Fortunately, I have never had to live on a corner of a roof. Your mother is nothing like that. You would do well to follow her example.
