Thursday, March 28, 2019

Signs Of Godliness: List 1, 2 Timothy 3:10

Signs Of godliness: List 1

2 Timothy 3:10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, my faith, patience, love, endurance, 

I discussed in a previous post Paul's description of people who were evil; lovers of themselves, pleasure, and money, proud, disobedient, unforgiving and more. Here we see a description of those who are godly. Let me list those as I had done for evil:
  • Teacher
  • Open life
  • Purposeful living
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • Love
  • Endurance
Notice the characteristics of a godly person: They have a reason to live. They do not just exist, but go about fulfilling a purpose. People around them see who they are. They are not secretive in their faith, nor do they have a double life, appearing godly in one setting and flirting with evil in another. Because their lives are open, people learn from them, not only from how they live but from what they say. Their faith is evident. They are patient with others because they truly love them. And even when they come up against opposition, they endure the hardship, so that others may find Christ.

A and K, be godly! Care about those around you. Live a life worthy of being called a Christian, one of God's children, for that is what you are. Live with purpose, do not just go around existing with no point in living. And, make that purpose godly, teaching those around you through patience and love, being willing to endure whatever Satan brings against you and into whatever God assigns you to. Be the holy woman God calls you to be.


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