Tuesday, March 5, 2019

God's Truths Stands Firm, 2 Timothy 2:17-19a

God's Truths Stand Firm

2 Timothy 2:19a Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm

Paul mentions in verse 17 that two of the church's leaders had turned away from the truth and their teachings have destroyed the faith of some. False teachings flourish. Certainly, Satan's lies appear pleasing to the eye and desirable. He has fooled many along the way. But, no matter what how often a lie has been told, nor matter how often it is believed. It does not change the truth and will not cause the foundation of church to weaken, for it is built on Jesus. He is the true Word and he never changes!

K and A, you can count on God and his Word. Establish him as the foundation of your life. When the world around you seems to fall apart, when trials and hardship come, when your life makes no sense, continue to stand on the truths of God's Word. There you will find security and hope! Many say not to worry, no one can destroy his church... that statement in itself is true, but it is a half truth. Most using that quip fail to consider how false teachings destroy the faith of many! This section of scripture reminds us of that tragedy.

But, you know to beware. Therefor do not grab on to all that looks pleasing to the eye. Rather, find out what pleases the Lord and grasp on to that!


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