Sunday, March 24, 2019

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 2, 2 Timothy 3:7

Godless Church-Goers: Slimy Creatures 2

2 Timothy 3:7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth

Have you ever met someone that loves to be in church but never seems to mature as a Christian? Paul spoke of these kind of people. In Hebrews he stated that the people should be able to be teachers, but they do not even know the elementary truths of the God's Word. How did Paul know that they didn't grasp God's Word?.. because they didn't live righteous lives and couldn't distinguish between good and evil.

Problem makers in the church have been there long enough to know right from wrong, but they persist in being ungodly. Although they look good to others, their actions define them as otherwise. So, they puff themselves up by acting religious. They promote their own wisdom, teaching falsehoods. Many are led astray, and turmoil begins to ebb away at the foundations of the church. Like termites, they gnaw at the fabric of its stability.

A and K, by this point in your life you should be living a life pleasing to the Lord. This is not because of your age but because you grew up in church. You have heard the truths of the Word and been taught right from wrong. Righteousness should second nature to you by this time. By now, you need to be consuming the deep truths of our faith so you can help develop the next generation. If you do not grow deeper in your faith, your teachings will be full of your wisdom and you will lead others astray. Do not be a worm that destroys, rather be a creature that builds others up in the faith.


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