Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pursue Holiness Together, 2 Timothy 2:22b,c

Pursue Holiness Together

2 Timothy 2:22b,c Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Paul had been talking to Timothy about the need for believers to rid there lives of wickedness and evil thoughts (desires). In turn, they were to be holy people, pursuing faith, love, and peace which would produce righteousness in their lives. This certainly is as much a command for us today as it was for Timothy and the churches to which he had ministered.

When we look around us and see the wickedness that is so prevalent, we can become discouraged in our walk with Christ... but take heart! Christ has overcome the world and does not expect us to walk alone. He says that he will not leave us with us. This is true in spirit but as we walk with other true believers, who also are pursuing holiness, we walk with the him - the body of Christ. So we walk in the power if the Spirit and the strength of his body.

K and A, you are not expected to walk alone. Not only are we, your physical family, here for you, so is your spiritual family. As you leave home, you choose where to attend church - which body of believers with whom you choose to serve God. Choose the family that pursues holiness out of a pure heart. Do not choose the one that seeks the acceptance of this world, one that seeks their own pleasure and personal fulfillment, nor the one that pursues Christ on Sunday and their own gratification the rest of the week. Righteousness is living right - choosing to be holy everyday. So, seek a church that that desires the same. One who pursues a true faith; one that lives in peace through acts of love.


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