Friday, March 22, 2019

Stay Away, 2 Timothy 3:5b

Stay Away

2 Timothy 3:5b Have nothing to do with them.

Really, Really. That is in the Bible? Is Paul saying that we should stay away from evil people? How can we reach people for Christ if we are to have nothing to do with them?

No, I do not believe that is what Paul is saying. Remember that I do not write these posts as a strict exegetical review of Scripture nor a hermeneutical one for that matter. I am taking the obvious and expounding on it through the use of similar verses in the Bible and try to use that to help you, my daughters, to desire a true and deeper relationship with Christ your Savior.

That said - looking at this text in a exegetical way, Paul was talking to Timothy about evil people who have infiltrated the church. He, as a leader, was to have nothing to do with them. Do not try to appease them. Do not try to reason with them. Do not try to argue against their foolishness. It will destroy the church and the spiritual lives of many.

A and K, you will have to associate with evil people at work, in the store, and sometimes in the church. You will have to love and often forgive them. That is the right thing to do. How will they ever see a true example of Christ if you do not "live" among them? Bu,t as a leader, you must never put up with those that have a form of godliness but are not truly living for the Lord yet try to influence the body of Christ. Stay away from them! They are out to destroy.


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