Friday, March 22, 2019

False Godliness, 2 Timothy 3:5a

False Godliness

2 Timothy 3:5a having a form of godliness but denying its power.

Paul was telling Timothy how evil the last days are going to be. People would look good, but down inside they are full of evil. Now the people he was talking about are church people. Not all church people but the cunning, conceited, prideful type of church people. They do the right things around others at the right time, but when among their friends or at work... you would never know they profess to be Christians. They do good things, say the right words, but it is only a facade. They are fake. They claim Christ, but their deeds deny him.

A and K, I know people like this. I work with people like this. You probably do too. But, what do others think of you. Do your deeds prove your godliness? Do your words and actions outside of Christian circles deny that you know Christ? I pray that they don't. Love God, despise pleasures, do good, being willing to forgive, and love those that tear you down. Put others' needs your before your own interests. Value others more than yourself. This is how true Christians act. They are living in the power of the Spirit and walk in true holiness,


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