Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Expose Evil, 2 Timothy 3:9

Expose Evil

2 Timothy 3:9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

Two thought here for me: one - be sure your sins will find you out, and two - it's not that oh, don't worry about it God will make every thing work out, while we sit idly by.

On the first thought, we know that our sins will eventually be found out. We cannot hide them from God ever and at some point others will find out as well. Those who destroy the church thru hidden agendas, or misguided beliefs will eventually be exposed. The sad point is, many are often destroyed in the mean time. This leads to point two.

It is true that evil will be exposed, but if we do not stand against it to expose it, many innocent people will be hurt or destroyed in the mean time. It is our duty to God and the church, to speak out when we see evil on the move. Paul was encouraging Timothy to stand firm... the evil doers would be found out, so stay faithful and keep fighting for what is right. If Timothy would abandon the fight , the weak-willed in the church would be overtaken by evil.

A and K, take comfort in knowing Christ will defend his church. We can be assured that no matter what silliness or evil that infiltrates the church, Christ will take action... BUT he takes it through those that are faithful to the truth. If you sit idly by without a care saying it doesn't seem right but this must be what God wants or he wouldn't allow it to happen, then sin and evil will prevail until someone is willing to stand against it. God most often works through people who are willing to take a stand. So, love God and others, have  self-control, live a righteous life, do not be proud. Speak the truth in love so others will know God is at work.


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