Thursday, March 21, 2019

Signs of Evil: List 2, 2 Timothy 3:3

Signs of Evil: List 2

2 Timothy 3:3 People will be without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good,

List 2 of Signs of Evil
  • Without Love
  • Unforgiving
  • Slanderous
  • Without Self-control
  • Brutal
  • Not Lovers of Good
Evil is everywhere you look. You find in at work, in the schools, at the mall, in the stores, online, posted on Facebook, tweeted on Twitter, shown on TV programs, in the movies, sung in songs, danced to tunes... it is everywhere, sadly even in churches. 

A and K, what are you to do? How can you escape the evil that is in the world? You can't. In fact Jesus prayed to his Father not take you out of this world but that he would protect you from the evil one (John 17:15). I too desire that God keeps you from doing evil. And especially you know what evil is. Here we see some more attributes of evil: no love, unwilling to forgive those that wrong you - even before they ask for it! That is what Jesus did for you. And closely related, no bad mouthing or gossiping against someone who is against you. Do not be a fighter rather have self-control and help those that are doing you harm. And do good to those who mistreat you, even when those around you choose to retaliate. Be different. God is using you to affect the lives of those around you. Live for him.


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