Saturday, March 9, 2019

Useful To The Master, 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Useful To The Master

2 Timothy 2:21 If a man cleanses himself of the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work.

Most "christians" are satisfied that they have said the sinner's prayer and have since gotten on with life. You wouldn't want to become too religious, some Christian fanatic nut! But, God calls us to a life of holiness. In fact, that is what he has called us to since the creation of time. If we do not rid our lives of shameful acts, turning away from wickedness, we will not become useful servants to our Lord.

K and A, the sad part of this story is found in Matthew. Jesus says that if we are worthless servants, we will be thrown out into utter darkness where there is torment. I know, this isn't taught much any more. We do not want to be negative. In my teacher training I was once told that class rules should never have a negative command - do not yell, no running, etc... say things like walk slowly, use your inside voice. like so many other worldly concepts, we have taken that mindset into the church; You don't want to mention there is a hell, oh my, no! God loves us, so just mention the good stuff. Can anyone say Joel Olsteen?

Daughters, God has works which he prepared just for you, but how can he use you if you aren't willing to cleanse yourselves of the latter. And, if you didn't read  verse 20 that is the ignoble things of life - acts of unrighteousness. If you rid your life of sin and all that so easily entangles, you will be made holy and become useful to the Master and able to tackle the good works he has designed for you to do!


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