Friday, March 1, 2019

Do Not Quarrel, 2 Timothy 2:14b

Do Not Quarrel

2 Timothy 2:14b Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.

How about this definition for quarrel: a heated argument usually over something frivolous. Paul knew that the church cannot stand if we quarrel among ourselves. Quarreling divides unity and destroys the fabric of the church. As he says here; It has no value!

K and A, it is important that we don't misuse this verse. Standing firm over spiritual issues very important. Being willing to make a convincing argument in a calm manner to promote the truths of Scripture is necessary, But, you must keep yourself from foolish and silly arguments over pointless issues that make no eternal difference. I doubt that at this point in life this is a problem for either of you, but keep it in mind as you mature in your faith for there will be a day that you must hold your tongue.

One more thought... this is very important in the church, and it is also very important in a marriage. K, maybe you already found this out. If not, you will! Learn to keep from quarreling proverbs says a lot about this. Fortunately, I have never had to live on a corner of a roof. Your mother is nothing like that. You would do well to follow her example.


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