Monday, March 25, 2019

Defend the Truth, 2 Timothy 3:8-9

Defend The Truth

2 Timothy 3:8  Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth - men of depraved minds, who, as far as faith is concerned, are rejected.

That is a strong statement; your faith has been rejected! Yet this remains - there were people in the church who opposed the truth. For quite a few verses now, Paul has described these types of people. He says they; vs. 2:19 - don't turn away from wickedness, vs. 22 - hang on to evil desires and don't pursue righteousness, vs. 3:2-4 - are proud, love money, ungrateful, not holy, brutal, love pleasures, not empowered by the Spirit, but they do look good. That way they can, vs. 6, worm their way into people's hearts and trick them into following them.

A and K, stand up! We sang that in church yesterday. You must take a stand for the truth. Oh, it must be done properly, with kindness and love, with a desire that all who oppose the truth will come to their senses and repent before God (vs. 25-26), but stand nevertheless. You need to be the catalyst to enable this to happen. Do not sit idly by while the truth is marred by man's wisdom. Stand up and defend the truth in the power of the Word and in his Spirit!


  Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus

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