Sunday, March 3, 2019

Careful What You Say, 2 Timothy 2:15b

Careful What You Say

2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

As God's workers, we are often called to interpret scriptures. It is common that we tell others what we think about the verses being discussed. This can be very dangerous, for what we think is a result of our upbringing and of others who have taught us, and our own experiences. The can be far from the truth found in the particular scripture . So what are we to do? We need to always prove the scripture by the Spripture. The Word does not lay as a dead document, just words on a page. No, it is living!

Careful here, it is NOT living in the sense that is changes to meet each culture or point in time. That teaching is heresy. It living in the sense that it speaks, it moves, it exhorts, it convicts. It is present tense, the Word. It is God, his mouth, his heart, his being. Therefore, all of it is a living and one part does not supersede the other. Its truths are universally sound. We see his character proved throughout. So, when someone says God is a cruel dictator, we don't just look at the verse they point to, we look at the entirety of the Bible and see God is a loving God, slow to anger and abounding in love. When they says that Paul became like the culture he was in, we know that doesn't give us an excuse to be like the world around us for her also says, do not conform to the world.

K and A, be careful how to handle the word of God. This is true in respect to what you tell others, but just as important or more importantly, it is key in your own life. Allow the Spirit to confirm the truths. Like the Bereans, clarify everything. This is why I try to list links to verses, both Old and New Testament. That way you can verify the truth by using the Scriptures themselves.


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