Wednesday, March 20, 2019

You Can Be Beautiful, 2 Timothy 3:1

You Can Be Beautiful

2 Timothy 3:1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

People wonder if things are getting more evil. Yes! And, it is the natural progression of things. Jesus said it would happen, Even Paul said that the days in his time were evil. Science says it. In simple terms, the second law of thermodynamics states that unless acted upon by another force, energy will dissipate and systems will fail.

K and A, the same is true in the world around us. The systems of the world are failing. Countries raise and fall. Plants grow, fruit ripens, then it rots. You get a new car, it runs great, develops problems, and eventually rusts away. It is the natural progression of things. And, it will be true with your life. Unless you are acted on by another force, the power of God, you too will waste away. Yet, even though these days are getting worse, you don't have to. Stick close to the Source of power which can enable you to be a perpetual example of God's glory. You can be beautiful today!


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