Monday, March 11, 2019

Flee Evil Desires, 2 Timothy 2:22a

Flee Evil Desires

2 Timothy 2:22a Flee the evil desires of youth,

As Christians we must flee the evil desires of our youth. If you are like me, you might not have done much evil in your younger days. But then, you also must acknowledge there was some, for we are not born pure, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and if you do not think that is not true, then you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you. God's true children know that the forgiveness of our sin is not enough, we must also pursue right living. Wickedness has no place in the life of a Christian.

K and A, you are each quickly leaving the days of your youth and entering adulthood. But, I turned 18 a long time ago... That's true but a brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. This is good, for you have a few years to settle things with the Lord before you become set in your thinking at which time it will become even harder to alter your beliefs. Take a survey of your life now, what is it that you do not want to do the rest of your life? What silly or evil habits can your eliminate now, so they won't trail on behind you into your future?

That takes us back to this verse... flee the evil desires of youth. I have found that this fleeing is not a one time decision or act, it is an ongoing determination to keep your life free from sin. So, as you grow older, guard your heart and mind for sin will surely sprout and take wings if you do not, and the evil desires of youth will strangle your life. Be like Joseph, and run from evil. Resist the evil around you, so you may continue to stand and remain faithful.


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