Monday, March 4, 2019

Avoid Godlesss Chatter, 2 Timothy 2:16

Avoid Godless Chatter

2 Timothy 2:6 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.

(The following paragraph is my interpretation of the book of Timothy in general, you will not find it specifically written)

Now this verse is specifically written to a man leading the churches under his care. This man, Timothy, was commissioned by Paul to set up leadership, so the churches would be led by people who would hold to the solid doctrine given them during Paul's ministry. When Timothy came back to this area, some self-proclaimed leaders had begun to teach heresies and the people were being led astray. As Timothy began to set things straight, these peopled argued, and quarreled. Paul knew there was no point in trying to convince people who were confusing the others with their many words and half-truths. Joining in with their bouts of godless chatter just made things worse. Paul said don't try, it is pointless. Under Paul's authority, Timothy was to set the matter straight and declare the truth.

K and A, if you are involved in church matters, if you pay attention in SS class and in special meetings, you will hear all kind of half-truths. Some people will push ungodly agendas. You must always stand on the truth, but sometimes you will need to stop, shut your mouth and not participate. When you see the discussion bringing division, shut your mouth. Let the discussion die. If there is someone there that is young in their faith, go to them at a later time and show them the truth in the Scriptures.

Now, church isn't the only area where you find godless chatter. At school and at work, you have heard all kinds of things. At my work godless chatter is everywhere. Most times I choose to step back and never join in. Other times, I leave. There are a few times where a godly influence was called for and I have stood and "begged to differ".  There is a strange verse where Jesus says  to not throw your pearls before swine. We are not to take the holy things of life and give them to fools who just trample on the goodnesses of God for their sacrilegious jokes and degradation. It not only harms those who are spiritually weak, but it also harms those mocking God by causing them to be more and more ungodly.

One last sad note... many a Christian, who have not separated themselves from godless chatter at work or among acquaintances have been destroyed in their faith. They, over time, have begun to join in and become more and more ungodly themselves. Be careful, do not let that happen to you! You may want to be a Christian influence but unless you are speaking out against the chatter, you are part of it! Often, you need to hold your tongue and  just walk away.


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