Saturday, March 30, 2019

True Sign Of A Godly Life: I Won't, 2 Timothy 3:12

True Sign Of A Godly Life: I Won't

2 Timothy 3:12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

This doesn't take long to interpret... if you want to live a godly life, you will be persecuted. Pretty straight forward, wouldn't you say. In fact, that is true for all believers. Maybe that is why so many people, who call themselves Christians, aren't godly, they avoid persecution. Sometimes they get mistreated for their wrong actions... that's not persecution. That is justice.

A and K, I do not like pain. I avoid it. Part of persecution is physical pain, but there are other common forms of persecution that you will face, like pressure to conform, discrimination, or being ostracized for being a Christian. I am looking for a different job, many that I qualify for that are good paying, require me to work on Sunday and compromise my faith... I won't. In my current job, I sought a promotion into management. It required being a ruthless, demanding, give no slack kind of supervisor... I won't. Many times co-workers come together and cut others down, have course talk, make crude sexual remarks, go out drinking... I won't. Daughters, do what ever it takes to be godly. It will put you on opposing sides of most people, but Paul says that is normal for people who say... I won't


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