Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Weak-Willed, 2 Timothy 3:6


2 Timothy 3:6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weaked-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires.

I need to make a clarification on my post a few days back. Let's take a second look at verse 6. What I wrote before still fits the context of the scripture, but I needed to stress its specific meaning.

This time I want to stress the weak-willed woman. Weak-willed women are the ones who are loaded down with sins. They are weak because their desires are evil. Being weak in their faith, they have become loaded down with many sins. When false teachers come, these women are easily confused and sin abounds because they are not holy people who are set apart for God's service. They attend church and look holy for their own edification.

A and K, It's not all about you. Going to church is not about making you feel good. You don't get saved just so you can escape hell! Certainly, being a Christian is beneficial for your complete being; spirit, soul, and body. Yet, you excel in your faith, not to get something from God, but to glorify Christ and the church. That is why Paul was willing to suffer hardship and pain, and without this understanding, you will not be willing to suffer for the faith. It would make no sense. So, build up your faith to keep from being weak. If you don't, evil desires will come and you will become loaded down with sins and take away the glory Christ and his church deserve.


  For Christ and the Church  There are no real videos of this song that I could find. Click the Audio File: MIDI to play the tune then sing along. (Video it and post online)

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