Thursday, March 21, 2019

Signs Of Evil: List 3, 2 Timothy 3:4

Signs Of Evil, List 3

2 Timothy 3:4 People will be treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

List 3 of The Signs of Evil
  • Treacherous
  • Rash
  • Conceited
  • Lovers of Pleasure
  • Not Lovers of God
The last in the list of the signs of evil noted by Paul to Timothy. He was to be on the lookout for people who embodied these attributes.

The first in this third list I did not understand. I heard of treacherous waters but did not equate the word with people. But, now that I know the definition, I see how the two correlate. You may understand that treacherous water to be something dangerous to cross or boat in, but when you use its definition with the one related to people it takes on new understanding. Treacherous waters can act like people. When you think all is safe the water tricks you and over the waterfalls you go. You turn your boat and the water blindsides you and flips the boat over and you into the water. The water looks shallow and safe to cross, but the undercurrent and hidden deep crevices deceive you and take you under..... It is all the same with treacherous people: they are there to fool you, blindside you and cause you to fall head first, they are backstabbers and traitors. You see them as calm cohorts, but you find that they are double-crossing dupes ready to destroy you.

Keep alert for the signs of evil. Do not make rash decisions thinking you know it all. Watch out for people who do. Be wary of their narcissistic ways. They only want to use you to build themselves up. They look in all the wrong places for a good time when they do not know what a good time really is. And, when it comes to spiritual things.. it is all about feeling good. What can I get from following God? 

A and K, I write often about not seeking pleasures, how they destroy your life. Proverbs says that if you love pleasures, you will become poor... and that is true both physically and most importantly spiritually! Seeking pleasure is a sign of evil. The worldly church of today loves to promote having a good time. That is why I talk about it so much. It is a treacherous stream of water that looks so inviting yet is so dangerous. My prayer is that you are a lover of God and his ways. Jesus was the greatest servant, the best there was yet not proud, Accomplished a great number of amazing things but took no foolish steps to get there. Love his ways and follow his example and serve faithfully keeping your feet from evil.


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