Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I John Review: What to Do, Part 1

March 30, 2016

What to Do... I am splitting this into segments to keep the posts shorter. At the end I will combine them for one cohesive posting.

  • Walk in the Light
  • Purify Yourself
  • Do Right
  • Love, It's What We Do
  • Grow up
  • Listen to the Apostles
  • Overcome the World
  • Stop Sinning
  • Test the Spirits
  • Keep It
  • Keep from Idols
  • Love One Another
  • Pray for Them
  • Keep Yourself Safe
Take note of the order. It has been altered compared to the posting dates and has been rearranged to fit, as best as I could, to the life of a Christian. We need to first begin our walk with the Lord. Then we are to purify ourselves. This is not to be something we do at a later time, it is a necessity from the beginning. In fact the Scriptures say that we are "a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come." Way too many people practice and teach that as new Christians, we cannot not help but sin. We do new Christians a disservice when we expect them to fail. John says... no one is saved and continues to sin... Yikes, that is strong! but needs to be our drive and expectation.

K and A, are you walking in the Light? I believe you are. Make sure you follow through with the first steps of the faith: Do right and purify yourselves. If there is something in your life you know is sinful, you must stop sinning. If you want to do it anyway, then reconsider your relationship with Christ and make it real. I am always here for you, to pray for you and to help you. God helps those who ask. Do Right.


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