Thursday, November 30, 2017

This Is A Test, Genesis 22:1-19

This Is A Test

Genesis 22:1 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said, "Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied.

This is the beginning of the story of Abraham taking his son to the mountain to sacrifice him there to the Lord. Here, at the beginning of the story, we are told that this is a test.

"This is a test. This station is conducting a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test"...  Squelch, Screech Squelch. "This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency,  the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System."

Ever hear that come across the radio or television? It been happening for several years since 1963 and was implemented by the Kennedy administration to allow the president to speak to the nation about any pending emergencies, especially a nuclear attack. We have never had that but it has been used for many other emergencies, over 20,000 times.

What signal does God use when he tests us? For Abraham it was a specific command. For us it may not be so clear, but be assured he does test us. But ,why does he test us? Here are a couple reasons; he tests us to see if we will be obedient. Also, he test us to see if we trust his judgement. There are many examples of God testing his people. The exodus from Egypt was a test and David was tested in many ways, but the one that is very clear in the Word is Hezekiah. God left him to test him and to know everything that was in his heart (2 Chronicles 32:31).

K and A, what is in  your heart? Would God be happy with what he found there? Would you pass his test on faithfulness, on your trust factor? Like any good parent, God will test you to in order to reveal all that is in your heart. God loves you. His tests will reveal to you the inner thoughts of your heart and mind. Do not fear the testing of your life. Remember, it is a test. God is conducting a test of your life. It is not about passing or failing. It is about improving and refining your faith. Young ladies, welcome God's tests, for they are preparations designed to make you holy, that you might survive any attack Satan uses to destroy you and enter into the kingdom of God on That Day.


Tree of Remembrance, Genesis 21:33

Tree of Remembrance

Genesis 21:33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, And there he called on the name if the Lord, the Eternal God

After the peace agreement had been made with Abimelech, Abraham settled in the land of the Philistines for a long time. With the security of peace at hand, Abraham worshipped God. There in Beersheba, he planted a tree and called on the name of the Lord.

With the relative peace we live in today in our country, it is easy to forget the dangers of marauding forces that faced Abraham on his day. This still happens in parts of our world. but rarely do we think of it. But the things that happened to Abraham were written down for our benefit and to help us in the live our lives today. His experiences can be applied to our circumstances, especially spiritually (1 Corinthians 10:11). When God brings peace to our hearts, we need to appreciate his love. We need to call out to the Eternal God and honor him. It is crucial for us to remember what he has done for us and to create a way to do so. Here, Abraham planted a tree.

K and A, God has done great things for each of you, but if I were to ask yo to tell them to me, yo would be hard pressed to do so. Some of that is because you may not want to express it to me, but I'd say you would have a hard time telling others as well. Planting a tree is one way of expressing that. It reminds you and it is an avenue, a lead in, a segue into expressing what God has done for you. This happened in times past in both of your churches on a regular basis through testimonies, but today we fail to do that in all but a few denominations. This was a way to remember what the Lord has done for us, to keep us from falling back into the same old pattern of sin. So find your method of remembering the peace that God brought into your life even if it is planting a tree.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Honor Your Word, Genesis 21:22-34

Honor Your Word

Genesis 21:31 So that place was called Beersheba, because the two men swore an oath there.

Abraham had dug a well at some point in time. Later, the servants of Abimelech would not let him use it. Abimelech wanted to get along with Abraham and wanted him to promise that he would get not deal falsely with him. (Remember here that Abimelech was the one who gave Sarah back when the Lord said he was in big trouble for taking her as his wife.) Abraham agreed under one condition, Abimelech would have to give the well back. They all agreed and swore an oath to one another and they all went to their own areas and got along for a long time.

Notice that they swore an oath... Jesus set a new standard in the New Testament. He said that we are to no longer swear oaths. We need to be men of our word (humans of our word, if the New NIV were writing this blog). In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said let your yes be yes and your no be no anything beyond this is from the evil one (Matthew 5:37). We are to simply keep to our word and carry out what we said we would do.

A and K, in times past many Christians would not swear an oath in court to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. So, it is now practice in the courts to ask witnesses to swear or affirm to tell the truth. Funny though because today most church goers do not mind swearing oaths, or propping up their promises: by George I mean it, cross my heart and hope to die, pinky promise, I swear I mean it, I swear on my mother's grave and on and on. It means nothing to them to do so.

Daughters, you two are different. You know what the Bible says. I am not talking about honesty on this post, I have done that before and will do it in the future. My goal here is to tell you the importance of carrying out what you have promised. It has been said many times of contractors that they said they would be here and they didn't come for weeks. Why didn't they just say that in the first place. I can tell you of the couple places that I never returned to when I said I would be there for them. That was wrong of me! The word of a Christian is golden. You can count on it. You don't need to foolishly prop up your words with silly sayings or even eloquent sounding words. You just need to follow through. This is the kind of daughter that causes a father to be filled with gratitude towards God. He know she is following her Lord.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Marry A Christian, Genesis 21:21

Marry A Christian

Genesis 21:21 While he was living in the desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.

I have mentioned before that sometimes I write my Scripture blog from what the particular verse inspires me to write, not from the exegesis of it. This is one of those...

Some theologians believe that Hagar came from Egypt. If you remember, Abram and Sarai were given riches and servants by pharaoh after sicknesses that had come on his household because pharaoh took Sarai as his wife. So, these theologians believe Hagar was one of the servants given to them in this gift of pharaoh. Now, we see Hagar returning there to find him a wife.

Both Isaac and Jacob took wives from their home area. Their is no indication in Scripture, that I know of, where God commanded them to do so. But, we do know that God told the Israelites many times that they must not intermarry with the wicked that lived around them. When they failed to listen, evil imbedded itself within Israel (great example - Solomon, 1 Kings 11:4) .

Paul alludes to this point when he says to not join together with an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 6:14). God people must not unite with wickedness, what do righteousness and wickedness have in common (same verse).

K and A, you both know this. In fact one of you has a great story how she would have left the one she loved, because, once enlighten on this issue, you chose to follow through on this standard set by God. But God moved on your, then, boyfriend, and he was convicted in his heart of his fallen state and turn his life to Christ! Now he is your husband and together you serve the Lord.

For the other of you, and for any future children, or when see other Christians, know and live this principle starting with anyone you or they might be interested in. First determine if the are Christians, and if they are, proceed in seeking the one God has provided.

One last thing... this goes for any close relationship in your lives, especially business. What fellowship can light have with darkness? You don't want to imbed evil into your life. Join only with likeminded believers. 


Sunday, November 26, 2017

God Provides, Genesis 21:19-21

God Provides

Genesis 21:19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water, so she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

God had reassured Hagar that he would make Ishmael into a great nation. She believed and God opened her eyes and there was a well full of water and she and the boy were refreshed. Just when they needed him, he was there.

God is the provider. After a ram was provided in place of Isaac, Abraham declared The Lord Will Provide. In fact, that is what he named the place where it took place (Genesis 22:14). We have many examples in the Word where the Lord provides. Another one is the with Elisha and the widow. A similar story to Hagar's. During a famine she was to make bread for Elisha for he was hungry. She stated that she had enough for her and son and then they would die. But she baked one for Elisha first and God provided enough flour and oil for the entirety of the famine.

K and A, God will provide for you. In your time of need, call out to him and he will provide. This is part his character. He enable you to make it through by providing the stamina, the wisdom, and the spiritual drive to walk through any situation he brings to you. Trust him, he will do it!


Gone But Not Forgotten, Genesis 21:15-18

Gone But Not Forgotten

Genesis 21:17 God heard the boy crying and the angel of the Lord called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What is the matter Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.

Hagar went on her way carrying the load of supplies and water on her shoulders as Ishmael followed along. When the water ran out, they began to thirst. Soon they were parched to the point of death, so Hagar left her son to die, for it was more than she could bear to watch. The boy lay crying and weeping, and Hagar began to sob as well. But, God heard their cries, and his angel called to her from heaven and said to not be afraid for God has heard the boy's cry. Lift up the boy for I will make him into a great nation.

There are times when life gets rough. We may find ourselves rejected by others and feel abandoned and alone. Our heart breaks and we cry and pray to the Lord, but hear no answer. During those times it is important to that God does not turn a deaf ear to cries for help. He is not slow in lending a hand. We need not fear, for he is with us, and he will protect us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

K and A, each of you has left home and attended college. Now one of you is married. But, it matters not where you might be or in what stage or place in life you are, God will be there for you. This is especially important to remember when you feel abandon and all alone.  Whatever your problem, cry out to him. This is what Hezekiah did. He was told death was imminent. This brought him low, so in his sorrow, he cried out and prayed to the Lord, and the Lord heard his cry and added 15 years to his life. Daughters, I am not sure where God will lead you or through what trials he will bring you, but I do know you will not be forgotten. Call to him, for he is waiting you help you.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

What To Do, Genesis 21:14

What To Do

Genesis 21:14 Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the desert of Beersheba.

Abraham was distressed over the matter. What was he to do? He loved Hagar and Ishmael. Sarah wanted them to leave, but how could he just cast them away, forget them like they never existed. Now the Lord told him they must go. He wanted to obey the Lord, but he loved them... Yet, he knew what he had to do. He loved the Lord more than them and wanted to obey him. So, caring for Hagar and Ishmael, he put together a package of sorts, supplies for the road, if you will. His "wife" and child must be cast out, but that didn't mean he couldn't send them away with love. Surely, he would never forget them, but they could not stay. And, so they left, never to return.

What things have occurred in our lives that should never have been, things that God did not approve of? What are we to do? How can things be made right again? Certainly, that will be different for the varied situations that we have gotten ourselves into, yet in all of these situations we must seek the Lord and his solution to them. Typically, it brings us to a crisis point and creates distress in our lives.  It weighs heavy on our hearts but we want to obey the Lord so we make the hard decision and follow the Lord's directive.

A and K, There will come circumstances in your lives where you must make the decision; will I follow what I love or will I follow the Lord who I want to love. It would be great if, when you are saved, Satan would go away and we would never have to choose again. But, that is not the case. As long as the earth exists, sin will abound. There is a time coming, however, when sin bound and thrown into a fiery abyss, when a new heaven and new earth come without sin and sorrow (Revelation 21:4). You want to be there for sure!

Daughters, I pray that you will stay close to God and not realize the hardship of fighting your inner self which brings distresses like it did for Abraham. Sanctification is crucifying self and being totally committed in all areas of your life. It will keep you from such struggles. But, if you do succumb to carnal desires, remember that Christ has defeated sin and you can too. He will give you a greater desire for him and his way than what drew you away in the first place, if you seek him with all your heart, mind and soul (Mark 12:30). Spend your time with him, even as you do the everyday tasks of life, then you will love him more than the thing that draws you away and you will know what to do... send the slave woman and her son packing never to return!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

To Love or Despise, Genesis 21:8-12

To Love or Despise

Genesis 21:10 and she said to Abraham, "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."

I mentioned yesterday, I would approach an issue this verse reminds me of. It is not what this verse is about, look at yesterday's for that... This is a rant of sorts, an observation over time, a sad truth that happens way too often.

Have you ever seen a couple not able to have children, so they go out and adopt? Not long after they conceive and have a child of their own. Or, maybe you know someone who takes care of children, does foster care, or adopts, because they feel compassion on the orphan or downtrodden.

So. Where is the problem, you say, isn't that all good?

It is good but not always. Too often they begin to put their own children first. The others get disciplined harder, are given more of the work, and too often driven away. They all need loved the same.

When you have been adopted, you become part of the family. That is what God the Father did for us. He gave us the right to become one of his, part of his family (John 1:12). He loves us and cares for us as his own. We are joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), given the keys the kingdom (Matthew 16:19).

Since this is what God has done for us, lets us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25) and love and care for others as we would our own. Let us love, not despise. K and A, you are both special to me! I am thankful for you both.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Get Rid Of Her, Genesis 21:8-12

Get Rid Of Her

Genesis 21:10 and she said to Abraham, "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."

This recorded event seems cruel. Here is a woman with a son of around 15 years old who obeyed her mistress and had a son to her mistress's husband. For all these years since she has remained subject to her mistress and her son was treated as part of the family. But now, when the mistress has a child of her own, they want to cast her out, the slave woman and her son. How is this fair? ... We will do a blog on this tomorrow...

As I said, this act of getting rid of the son and his mother seems cruel, yet it plays as an important lesson into a spiritual truth. For the birth of Ishmael was an act of the flesh. Sarai said, look, I apparently can't  have a child and God promised you descendants, so the only logical thing to do is for you to have an heir through our slave woman. Abram agreed and a child was born. But, God said no, that is not what I had in mind. Wait for me and I will perform a work in you that only is possible through the my Spirit. And, he did. At the age of 90, barren Sarah conceived and had a child!

Do you see the correlation? Many times we work to fulfill what God has promised through our own efforts and it actually works. Well, at least it appears to. What it does is that it causes problems and evil takes root. God says get rid of your slavery to the flesh and live by the Spirit. If this sounds like I am stretching the application of this Scripture, I'm not. It is spelled out in Galatians 4:21 - 5:26.

K and A, you are to live as free women, not as slaves to sin. You know how I want you to live a holy life that matches up to the Word of God. You cannot do it on your own. You cannot do it by knowing the commands of God, then trying to do them. No, you must allow the Spirit to rid your life of natural desires that seem to logical in your mind. Then, set you mind on what the Spirit desires, then you will be able to fully please God as you walk with him (Romans 8:5).


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Laugh With Me, Genesis 21:6-7

Laugh With Me

Genesis 21:6 Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."

Sarah had a son in her old age. Throughout the previous 50 years or so (not told when Sarai and Abram married) Sarah had to live with the fact that she could not bear a child. Then came the prophesies of God that Abram would have descendants as numerous as a stars in the sky... impossible. Sarah may have been more than just laughed at, she most likely was scorned. After Sarai gave her servant to her husband to have a child, Hagar mocked and despised her. More years past until Sarah was old and without hope. And, one last promise, she was to have a baby boy within a year. Sarah had enough, the pain, the heartache, it brought on unbelief, and she laughed at herself and at God. No way, there was no way she could have a child...

But then she became pregnant and the baby grew and her attitude began to change. She was going to have a child. This is real. It is truly going to happen! The day finally came and the child was born and her joy was complete. Now it was time to gather round and celebrate. No longer would people laugh at her. They would now laugh with her.

Where has all the real laughter gone? When have you last been laughed, really laughed, laughed so hard your belly hurt, so hard that food came out your nose. Okay, a little gross, but it seems like laugher today is often fake, or trumped up, or done over something inappropriate. Why can't we just laugh because of the joy inside has to come out. Let's allow the Lord to turn our sorrows into joy (John 16:20) and just laugh together.

K and A, We have had times when we laughed together. But, they are not as often as they should be. Often it has happened when others were around; we try to make the atmosphere pleasant, so we joke and laugh. Your mother say I do not laugh or smile enough. I am sure I have been too serious and desirous to have my children turn out just right and my disciple and corrections have been to stern. This does not set a tone that produces laughter. Help me lighten it up, and laugh with me. If nothing else, it will strengthen those belly muscles.


Monday, November 20, 2017

As Commanded, Genesis 21:-3-5

As Commanded

Genesis 21:4 When his son Isaac was eight old, Abraham circumcised his son, as God commanded him.

You Are A Friend Of God
Abraham knew God's commands and followed through when the time came. He understood that there were conditions to the promises that God had given. After all, a covenant has two parties, and they both must keep the agreement (Genesis 17:7). Abraham had been promised that the Lord would be his God and the God of his descendants and was promised that the land of Canaan would be theirs as an everlasting possession (vs 8). But, the agreement hinged on Abraham and his descendants following through.

We too have a land promised to us, a home, if you will, that is being prepared for us (John 14:3). When Jesus returns, he will take us to that place. Revelation talks about a new heaven and a new earth that is promised to believers (Revelation 21:1). With it comes the new Jerusalem, where we will be united with Christ (vs 2). But, it is only for those who love God and follow after him. Jesus says those that love God follow his commands (Deuteronomy 13:41 John 2:3 & 4). To love God is to obey him by loving others (2 John 1:6).

A and K, God loves you. In fact, while you were yet sinners (Romans 5:8), God so loved you so much that he gave his one and only son (John 3:16) to die so you wouldn't have to. Is there any greater love, daughters, than to lay down your life for a friend (John 13:15), I think not. Well, Jesus did it for you, once his enemy, because he wanted you to be your friend (John 15:15). Love him in return by doing as commanded.


Sunday, November 19, 2017

On Time, Genesis 21:2-3

On Time

Genesis 21:2 Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised.

The Lord said by this time next year, and it came to pass. Sarah bore a son, and they gave him the name Isaac....

And it came to pass (Luke 2:1)... she gave birth to a son. And, he gave him the name Jesus (Matthew 1:25). At just the right time, Jesus came into the world (Galatians 4:4) and at just the right time... Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6). And at just the right hour, which only the Father knows (Matthew 24:6), Christ will return.

We do not know the hour nor the day of Christ's return. But, we can be sure it will happen on the right day on the time set by God. We are called to be ready for his return. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here, so let us put aside deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. (Romans 13:12).

K and A, be assured that God will return. You do not know the time nor the day of his return. He tells you to keep yourself free of the deeds of darkness like drunkenness, sexual parties, immorality, and debauchery. Instead put on the Lord Jesus Christ so you do not gratify sinful or desires, natural desires of the body and mind that satisfy self (Romans 12:13-14). He will return, you can count on that. He will come on time. So, Be Holy, for you to want to be ready when he is On Time.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

As Promised, Genesis 21:1

As Promised

Genesis 21:1 Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and did for Sarah what he had promised.

God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. His offspring would be like the sand on the seashore. But, Sarah remained barren. Abram had a child through Hagar, but God's promise was greater. On his way to destroy Sodom, the Lord told Abraham that Sarah was to birth a child in her old age (Genesis 18:14). That time had come. The Lord opened the womb of Sarah at the age of 90 (maybe at the age the 89) and Sarah conceived and had a son! God carried through on his promise..

That is the Lord. When he states that something will happen, it does. We are told in Scripture that the words spoken by a true prophet of the Lord will always come to pass. If not, he is not a true prophet. This is how we know he (not she) is from the Lord. But, there is also another reason we know he (not she) is from the Lord... the Lord's word is never wrong. God is not like man that he should lie or change his mind (Numbers 21:19). No, God can be trusted. When he makes a covenant, he keeps his end of the agreement, he won't switch things up along the way.

K and A, you can rely on the Lord, he does not lie, nor will he falsely accuse. He will not deceive you nor forsake you. His promises can be trusted, you can live by them. When you are weary from school or work or life, go to him, for he says come to me, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). You may work for the Lord and it seems pointless, remember your work for the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). And when God seems far off and is no where to be found, know that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6). God will do as he promises. You can count on him!


Oh yeah, a true prophet is never a she, for that would be a prophetess. :)

Friday, November 17, 2017

Sinning Against God, Genesis 20

Sinning Against God

Genesis 20:6 Then God said to him in a dream, "Yes, I know you [Abimelech) did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.

I want to go back to yesterday's passage and cover one more area. When we sin, who do we really sin against? Is it the person we perpetrated the act against? How about those who are in authority over that person, are they sinned against as well? Are those who know us and hear of our sin, have we sinned against them too? I can't say I understand this fully, but the Scripture seems to say that it is not them against whom we have sinned, rather it is against God. In Psalms, David said against him only (Psalm 51:4) did he commit sin!

I do not want to go down a semantics trail. Nor, do I want us to give the idea that we have not violate others when we sin. I know of young people that have lived and slept together and think that  it affected no one else but them. Little did they understand of all the eyes that looked up to them as an example of how to live. I spoke to a girl in my church youth class in times past who had a child out of wedlock (don't hear that word much anymore) and told me that it is no one's business what she does in her private life, it affects no one but her. I told her that it was sin and affected everyone in our class, the whole church, and beyond. So, it does affect the person we sin with, those they are responsible to, our friends and acquaintances around us, and it affects our society. But, more importantly it affects our relationship with God.

God is the key person whom we sin against. He defines morality. From his mouth comes the standards of right and wrong. The law defines what sin is (Romans 7:7), and we would be wise to learn what God thinks of sin is. It is a transgression of his law. And to sin means to not only violate the law but to violate God himself!

K and A, sin is downplayed in the church today. The statues of God are not seen as a requirement and have been tossed to the side. They say, we all sin all the time but Jesus paid the price and all is well... But, Jesus said, If you love me you will obey my teachings (John 14:23), and then my father will love you, oh no... oh yes, that is a conditional love. One where you must walk after him.

Daughters, some will tell you that all you need to do is to love God, and to love others... but how do you know what "to love" means? The Scripture shows you what that looks like. Through them, God tells you what he expects and gives you the spiritual freedom to live them out (Romans 7:24-25). The penalty for sin is an eternal death (Romans 6:23) for it is a violation against God. But, eternal life is a result of holiness (Romans 6:22) and is a result of walking in the light (Ephesians 5:9) Therefor,walk in the light as He is in the light... and the blood of Christ... will purify you from all sin! (I John 1:7)


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Even The Wicked Fear God, Genesis 20

Even The Wicked Fear God

Genesis 20:11 Abraham replied, "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'

The accounting of Lot's adventures is complete, and we pick back up with the life of Abraham. He moves his family to the Negev to settle there for a time. While there, they meet the King of Gerar and he picked Sarah out to be his wife. Abraham and she had said they were brother and sister. God visited King Abimelech in a dream and told him he was as good as dead for taking Sarah to be his wife. The king feared for his life and replied to the Lord that he had no idea. The lord said he knew that and kept him from sinning against him by toughing her. Abimelech returned Sarah and had Abraham pray for him and his family as the Lord commanded, for the Lord had cursed his household. The King paid Abraham money, animals, and slaves for what he had done, and Abraham was allowed to live anywhere he wanted.

There is a lot that we can't understand here. Many talk about these verses and speak of how Abraham didn't fully trust God and was therefor unfaithful. I don't see it that way and want to spend time in another area... Abraham look at the wickedness of the area and guessed that there was no way that the people could fear God. It is easy for us to see evil and think they no nothing of God. But in my life, I have found this to not be the case. It is true that many do not follow God and other who really don't understand the way of the cross. But deep down inside, man knows there is a God and that they must fear him (Romans 1:20). It is our duty to show them that atonement for sins is through Jesus (1 John 2:2).

Another related area that I want to speak of is the craziness of those who have believed in and accepted Christ's atonement and then live their lives as if fearing God is no longer necessary. How foolish. This is not right. Forgiveness is not for all future sins you may commit. the saying we aren't perfect just forgiven is misleading.

K and A, even the wicked fear God. You must as well. You are to be holy as God is holy, perfect as he is perfect (Matthew 4:48). God can be your best friend who loves you immensely though all your trouble, even sin, but he is also your judge! He is the only one who can cast you in the fire (Matthew 10:28). Be wise, daughters, live for him, serve him, and love him in all areas of your life.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sounds Good To Me, Genesis 19:30-38

Sounds Good To Me

Genesis 19:32  Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father.

Lot and his daughters had escaped to Zoar, the only city of the plains not destroyed . He did not feel safe there and left to make their home in the mountains. They were there all alone and the daughters, who, at one time were pledged to be married, wanted to continue their father's line. So, the older daughter devised with a plan to get pregnant from their father. It sounded good to the younger daughter, so they got him drunk on two different nights and each lie with him, one the first night and the other on the second. Each became pregnant, and two sons were born to them, Moab and Ammi.

In theses verses, we come back to this truth; everything you read in the Bible is true, but it doesn't mean that you do everything the Bible talks about. Historically, this account happened, but trouble arose out of this union. The two born to the daughters became nemeses of Israel after their return from Egypt. It is easy to concoct ideas in our minds and convince ourselves that what we want to do is correct, even acceptable to God. We can discuss it amongst ourselves and even pray about it to determine if it is wise or sinful, but when it is what we want to do, it is easy to fool ourselves.

Daughters, maybe you have done something that seemed good to you and later wonder why you were so blind to the consequences, the ramifications of your decision. Just because it sounds good, has short term benefits, doesn't mean it good or, better said, godly. This is especially true in relationships. Determine what is godly before you enter into a relationship. If you have questions along the way, ask a strong Christian to evaluate it, especially someone old enough to have perspective. This isn't just true before marriage, this is an important practice throughout your life. Do not be like Rehoboam, who used the council of his friends, his buddies and pooh-poohed the wisdom of the elders of the realm (1 Kings 12:8).

K and A, if you are wise, you will seek council, if you are a fool you will rely on your own thoughts (Proverbs 12:15). Just because you are a Christian and it sounds good doesn't mean it is. Satan is tricky and wants to fool you into believing a lie. It is easy to get caught. You may think you are standing firm (1 Corinthians 10:12), but don't let down your guard, for sin is always crouching at your door (Genesis 4:7). If you ever need advice, spiritual or otherwise, come to me or go to Mother. We are committed to helping you throughout your life.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Day of Reckoning, Genesis 19:27-29

Day of Reckoning

Genesis 19:28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.

Lot and his daughters had escaped the destruction of the plains, but Lot's wife perished. In her yearning to return, she looked back and was frozen in time. (The last sentence is my thoughts, not scripture.) The next day Abraham went to where he had met with the Lord and looked toward Sodom. The destruction of the Lord was evident. Smoked billowed from the land and rose into the sky. The judgement had been given and the sentence carried out. The land and all that was in it was totally destroyed. God had been patient, but the day of reckoning had arrived.

God is patient. Throughout the Old Testament the phrase has been repeated time and again, The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love. From Exodus through Psalms and into the Minor Prophets (See Verses here), the character of God never changes. God is not like man who changes his mind (Numbers 23:19). He loves and cares about us, both the good and the wicked. He wants all to be saved and no one to be lost and perish (2 Peter 3:9). Yet, we must keep in mind that this is true for punishment as well. God will destroy the wicked. He has promised to do so.

K and A, how are you living? Have you given your heart to him and now follow Christ's commands? Do you care about family or friends who do not know Christ as their savior. They will perish without him. Then, they and the wicked from all ages will be thrown into the lake of fire when that day of reckoning comes. It will be too late to call on his name. The day of reckoning begins for each one who dies before Christ's return.

Daughters, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a sign of what is to happen to the ungodly (2 Peter 2:6). They will not be a part of the new world. On the day of reckoning, they will be thrown into the lake of fire, the place prepared for the devil and his angels (Revelation 20:10-14). In some ways, this will be the saddest day ever. In other ways, the most joyous, for sin and death will forever be done away with! Choose the way of the cross... it leads home, a place where we bask in the presence of the Lord for eternity. See you there! Oh, and brings others with you.


Monday, November 13, 2017

So What If I Do, Genesis 19:18-26

So, What If I Do

Genesis 19:26 But Lot's wife looked back and she became a  pillar of salt.

Lot had been told to flee to the mountains, but he complained he might not make it in time. So, the angels permitted them to flee to a small town within running distance and promised that they would spare that town out of all in the plains. They ran throughout the night and reaching the city by dawn. Then, the Lord rained down burning sulfur and destroyed the area and all in it, except the small town of Zoar. Lot and his family had been told not to look back, but Lot's wife could not keep from doing so. And when she did, she was turn into a pillar of salt.

So, what if I don't obey? What are you going to do about it? What can it hurt if I don't listen? What is the worst that could happen? Sin fools us. Satan asked Eve, Did God really say (Genesis 3:1)... and Eve listened to him instead of God even when she knew what God had said. Like Eve, Lot's wife exchanged the truth for a lie (Romans 1:25) and paid the price. We must not be like them. We must learn the truth and live according to it. That is what brings joy and contentment.

K and A, bring me joy by walking in the truth (2 John 1:4). You may choose to walk in your own way, according to the drives of your natural desires and think all will be okay. But, God says otherwise and calls you to walk according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1 KJV, Romans 8:4). As you walk in the Spirit it will produce a gratitude in me that I will have to share with others (3 John 1:3) Make my joy complete (Phillipians 2:2) by following to the words of Christ. Then you will be free to move about serving the Lord and not frozen in place for all to wonder what went wrong.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Don't Look Back, Genesis 19:17-26

Don't Look Back

Genesis 19:17 As soon as they brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives, don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away."

Why Lot hesitated to leave, we do not know. Perhaps he didn't want to leave the place he had called home. Too many memories and thoughts of times past, but why? The place was full of evil. He had many friends there, but they were evil and God had said to leave. You would think he would want to leave. Destruction was coming and Lot knew it, yet he had a hard time leaving. So, the men grabbed his hand and the hands of his family, and they were escorted out of the city and told to flee and never look back.

People are caught in sin and can't seem to escape. They have lived the hardships and have prayed for relief, yet when given the opportunities for a way out... they stay put, hesitant to leave. What is it about sin that hold them fast? Well, that is how sin behaves. Evil deeds ensnare (Proverbs 5:22). Sin grows cords that entangle and wont let go (Hebrews 12:1Proverbs 5:22). We need to abhor sin and grab onto what is good (Romans 12:9). Like David, let us flee temptation (Genesis 39:12, 2 Timothy 2:22) knowing it will ensnare us.

A and K. Temptation is real for the believer. If you give into it, sin has many tentacles, and it will strangle your life. Flee the evil desires of youth (2 Timothy 2:22). Don't turn back, not even for a moment, for dangers await those who do. Instead, look ahead and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, calling on the LORD out of a pure heart. You will never regret what other run back to.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

How High, Genesis 19:15-16

How High

Genesis 19:16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them.

Lot had returned home without his future sons-in-law. The destructions was about to begin, and the angles told Lot to get his family and go! Lot hesitated, so the men grabbed their hand and led them out of the city.

Why do we hesitate when God calls? What causes us to wait? Do we not understand it was God speaking? Are we slow to obey, because we like where we are? When God calls we need to move.

A and K, I told this story recently but here it is again... Growing up my brothers and sisters were sometimes "loaned out" to others families. Grandpa used to give us this parting command, When they tell you to jump, then jump, and on your way up, ask how high. He was looking for immediate obedience. That is a good lesson for today's younger generation. I hear many children ask why or see them move slowly or not at all. This has always been the case, but the way children are talking back today is wrong. In times past that would have earned a smack to the mouth. Raise your differently.

This problem is way too common for those in the church too. God tells us something we are to do, shows us ways to improve your life, or warns us to of habits that will lead us away from him, and we just sit there. Do not be like this, daughters. When Jesus called his disciples they immediately left their boats (Matthew 4:20 & 22)  So, when God speaks to you, jump, and on your way up ask... how high!


Friday, November 10, 2017

God Wouldn't Do That, Genesis 12-14

God Wouldn't Do That

Genesis 19:14 So lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to be married to his daughters. He said, "Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!" But, his sons-in-law thought he was joking.

Lot had been saved from certain death by the angels that came to deliver him from the wickedness that was around him. They physically drug him back into is home and kept evil from reaching him by blinding the eyes of the men you were about to perpetrate hideous sexual acts. Now they warned Lot of the coming destruction and ordered him to gather all his family and leave. Apparently, they were all in the home except for two future sons-in-law. Lot went to them and warned them of the coming destruction and was laughed at, for they thought it was a joke. God would never do such a thing...

Hell is more than a curse word. Some use replacement words like what the h_n or  what the h_ck or as they say today... what the (Sorry, I even had to write that much of it). Hell is not a joke. It is a serious subject. It and the Lake of Fire are places that most people will end up to be tormented in ways like Sodom, except they will never burn up. Hell is serious and must never be part of our flippant or derogatory vocabulary.

K and A, you know Scripture. Hell is real. Do not allow use of this curse word, or others like it, to be part of your home, your family. My father straightened me up (the kindest straightening up, I remember) one time in 6th grade. The substitute teacher was fed up. The students were not listening and were noisy. So she said it, "Shut the ____ up!" (I apologize again for even writing this, because it forces you to say it in your mind.) I joked with my classmates around me that that would take a special pair of gloves, ha ha ha... Later, I told my dad about it. He reminded me that Hell is a real place and the place of torment is not something to make jokes about.

God will send people to Hell. It will be a sad event (technically, as I understand it even if I never studied it, Hell may be the place you go when you die and the Lake of Fire after the judgement, just not sure). You must make sure that you, your spouse and children, and other members of your family understand the truth. Don't limit it to family though, help others know the truth about Hell as well. God will one day separate the righteous and ungodly, one to everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:41) and the other to eternal life (Matthew 25:46). Heaven, that is where I want to go. It is your choice where God sends you. Choose carefully.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Pulled Back, Genesis 19:9-11

Pulled Back

Genesis 19:10 But the men inside pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door.

After Lot tried to reason with evil and evil was about to win. They rejected the "use" of his daughters and were about to assault him in order to sexually assault his guests. The situation was an ugly and getting worse. But, the men did not know who they were dealing with. God intervened and pulled lot back inside and blinded all the townsmen who had gathered.

Often we try to fight against evil on our own. Temptations and trials come our way and we find it hard to fight against them. Despite all our efforts it seems like we fail. Then God steps in and we are sheltered from evil and it can not get to us. God protection goes beyond our best efforts and protects us.

K and A, don't go it alone. Do not think for a moment that you can stand up against evil without the help of the Lord. Many think that, because we are children of God (1 John 3:1), heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), part of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), that we can command evil  and it will obey us. Don't be foolish, daughters. Even Michael, the archangel, had to plead the name of the Lord when claiming the body of Moses (Jude 1:9). God has promised that he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). I believe that to be true. But, if you are arrogant and think that you can do anything you want and the Lord will stop you from sinning, you are mistaken and will live through many sorrows. Walk with the Lord. When evil entices you to come along with them (Proverbs 1:10) do not give in. Ask God to pull you back.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Don't Do Everything The Bible Says, Genesis 19:6-8

Don't Do Everything The Bible Says

Genesis 19:8 Look I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.

Stolen water is sweet. Food eaten in secret is delicious (Proverbs 9:17), Just because the Bible talks about a event, it doesn't mean that it is the godly thing for you to do. If this was the case you might end up in a king's harem (Genesis 12:15), sacrificing your own son (Genesis 22:9), or possibly walking around in a fiery hot furnace (Daniel 3:25).

I can't explain Lots actions except to say he cared for his guests.... but to be willing to hand over your daughter to men who would certainly rape them, unconscionable! How could he!

K and A, far be it from me to ever do such a thing! I would never desire you harm or to have such a grotesque act perpetrated against you. It is horrible to think about! Yet, evil abounds and sexual abuse is rampant. Please speak up is such a thing occurs, at least to someone you trust. The quicker the better. Text them, something to get it recorded. There is a time for justice to reign. Sodom was an evil place. God destroyed it for being so corrupt and evil.

Daughters, love any children God gives you. Protect them when they are "under your roof" both physically and spiritually. TV, movies, music and  dance are all used by Satan to abuse a child's (and an adult's) mind and soul. Don't turn your children over to them. Give them over to the Lord. Teach and train them in the Word. Take them to Sunday school and church. Sing and listen to God honoring songs. Be kind and uplifting. You don't have to be like Lot and offer them to evil. Offer them to holiness instead.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Gvie Your All, Genesis 19:6-8

Give Your All

Genesis 19:7 ...No, my friends. Don't do this wicked thing.

This is a strange set of verses. We will deal with that tomorrow. For today, let's look at the importance of taking care of your guest. Lot was willing to do anything to take care of his guests that came under his roof. He could have been killed while discussing the evil demands of the townsmen. Lot was willing to put his life in jeopardy to protect someone he did not know.

K and A, when you have a guest in your home. Put out your best. Give them anything you have in your home. Do not do this to impress them but to be hospitable. Growing up, I remember a lot of visitors around the table at Sunday dinner. Often, your grandmother would get the nicest dishes, or special cups, or linen ware. She would ask if they needed anything and would give them anything we had in our home. I also remember getting little or maybe nothing if there was not enough food or especially dessert to go around. This is how you treat a guests, you sacrifice what you have to give them what they need. Remember, that is what God did for you. He sacrificed his son so you could have it all.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Unmentionable Acts, Genesis 19:4-5

Unmentionable Acts

Genesis 19:5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, so we can have sex with them."

Lot had urged the two visitors to not to stay in the street for he knew the danger that existed in the city. We know that there were less than ten righteous people in the whole area and wickedness was out of control. This verse proves it. What a disgusting thought? How vile can you be? Evil thoughts lead to evil actions and completely engulfs the mind, body, and soul.

We see the beginnings of this in our world today. Less than ten years ago most states were passing laws that defined marriage between a man and a woman. Acceptance of homosexuality was on the decline and transgenderism was an oddity. But, the last 4 years of the last president turn all that around. Sexuality has become very open. Homosexuality is rampant. To be against transgenders using either bathroom is called intolerant. States have been fraught with lawsuits to open women's bathrooms to men who can't figure out which gender they are. Gender has been separated from biological truths. There are so many letters that have been added to lesbian that we don't know how many letters there are... lbgtqia, ridiculous!

K and A, we are a sexualized society. We are very similar to the times in the Roman empire. Paul described you as children of the light and that you should have nothing to do with the acts of darkness. He said it is shameful to even discuss what they do in secret (Ephesians 5:12). Sadly, today much of what is done is open for all to see. This especially true on the internet. You can seek out the most vile acts. Pedophilia is one of the few acts of wickedness that is seen as wrong, save rape and teachers/student relationships and that is becoming common. Where do you stand? How has society affect your beliefs? God said that adultery is an evil worthy of death. That's been normalized today. Seek the truths of Scripture. Read the old testament to see what God calls evil, then abhor those things even when it hits close home. Be an example of righteousness and a witness to the light to which you have been called to live. Put your life on a stand for all to see (Luke 8:16). It will lead them to Jesus, the light of the world.


Sunday, November 5, 2017

You Try, Proverbs 23:25

You Try

Proverbs 23:25 May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice.

I wrote a scripture blog on always rejoicing; do so in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). But disobedient, wayward children bring heartache and sadness to a parent. A child grows and learns to make their own choices. The parent have to leave go and let them choose for their own. Distraught are the parents of wayward children, who choose to walk in the way of sinners (opposite Psalm 1:1). Like the prodigal son's father, they yearn for the day their child returns.

K and A, you have begun to choose your own way. These writing are confirmations to what you have seen in your mother and me. We desire God's best for you. We desire for you to seek first the kingdom of God, to love him with all your heart, to walk in step with the Word of truth, to seek a holy lifestyle, to not conform to the world and live its pleasures. Make your mother and I glad you were given to us. May you ever be that bundle of joy that God gave us. We love you both.


I Try, Proverbs 17:6

I Try

Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

It is fun to watch a child speak about their dad or mom; my dad this, my mom that. They boast to a friend of how great their parent is and no one could have been any better at football or field hockey or singing than them. Then the child grows up and starts to see the faults of their parent and wonder if they can trade them in for another somehow. I heard it said once that a teenager went off to college tired of their no-nothing father. When he graduated and returned home one day, he marveled at how much their dad had learned. I guess that happens to most to some degree.

K and A, I do not try to be dumb, but I am sure I seems like it sometimes. I guess, I am at times. I don't try to impress you so you think you have the greatest father in the world (You know, right). Anyway, there are times you may think I'm way out there, but I try... I try; to be wise, to utilize what I have learned over my life, to teach and guide you toward holiness, to make you better than me and much more thing that I try. I am sure I often fail you, but I hope you see that I try, and that you are grateful for it.


Loud Mouth, Proverbs 9:13

Loud Mouth

Proverbs 9:13 The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge.

Did you ever notice that the loudest in the room with the most to say often has little of value to listen to. They rant and rave and go on and on, yet very little is accomplished from what they have to offer. The Scripture says it this way; when words are many, sin is not absent (Proverbs 10:19). Folly is like that. She has to multiply words to back up untrue or empty words, thinking that she will be believed because of her many words.

A and K, I am glad that normally, in public, you hold your tongue. This a wise thing to do. Listen , think, gain knowledge and after applying wisdom to your thoughts, speak only what is needed. I am thankful you are not loud mouths. Remain wise and quiet and slow to speak (James 1:9).


The Resting Dead, Proverbs 21:16

The Resting Dead

Proverbs 21:16 A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead.

Oh the vile, disgusting TV program called The Walking Dead. It is full of ungodly living and false dying. There is the splattering of blood and the glorification of killing the innocent, and the utter nonsense of the living dead. The only glimmer of truth is that some people who are living are dead in their sin, and without Christ, they can contaminate those around them and bring many good people to destruction.

K and A, there are those whom you associate with that Satan desires to use to pull you down. They may be from work or school or even a "friend". Satan uses them to get you to veer from God's straight and narrow path, and seeks to get you to walk with the many on the wide road of life  (Matthew 7:14). Careful! For that path lead to death. Do not stray from the narrow way or you shall find yourself living with the resting dead.


Crust Please, Proverbs 17:1

Crust Please

Proverbs 17:1 Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.

Family infighting, what a sad reality in many families. Many times it is harsh cutting words. Other times beating, and still others sexual molestation. Oh, the hardship that many families go through. This cause discord and a separation emotionally and way to often a splitting of families. So many children have suffered through fighting in the home. This must not be! Strife tears at the fabric of survival of the family unit and the world itself.

K and A, work to have peace in your home. I know this hits home with one of you. I hurt that you have had to endure this. Yet even you have not had to endure what others have. So much pain and evil exists. Solomon was right, being poor and having little is much better than strife. It will be up to you to make good choices that lead to peace and quiet.


Keeps Getting Better, Proverbs 4:18

Keeps Getting Better

Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Sometimes life seems tough, like it's going nowhere. But, if we could only see what God is doing for his children. We know the verse... And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28) ...but do we live it? Do we know that God will make it happen as he promises? In Isaiah, it states that when he declares it, it will happen (Isaiah 14:24).

A and K, do not look at all that's negative around you. Instead, look at the gleam of light that is on the horizon. It may look small, barely there, but it will grow bigger and bigger until it encompasses all your life. This is the promise of God, and it will happen as you remain faithful to him. You will find your relationship with him will keep getting better and better.


Your Smile, Proverbs 15:30

Your Smile

Proverbs 15:30 A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.


Last time I spoke about how you live makes others smile, or not. This is similar, but it has to do with your disposition as you live your life. Smiles are contagious. Sad thing, so is negativity. Our disposition affects others. We can be the catalyst that brings others out of the doldrums. We can rejoice (1 Thessalonians 5:16) and be thankful for any circumstance (Ephesians 5:20) that comes.

K and A, being joyful in all circumstances isn't just good for you, it is beneficial to those whom you are around. You can bring life to those lacking hope, peace to those in disarray, and love to those who are hurting. You have all that power by the way you see trouble. So, smile, its contagious.


Make'em Smile, Proverbs 16:15

Make'em Smile

Proverbs 16:15  When a king's face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring.

Maybe you never farmed. Possibly, you never planted a garden. But, you should know that if you do not get spring rains, you wont get a good crop in the fall. Maybe you heard the saying, April showers bring May flowers. Rain is essential to life.

In years past, and in countries controlled by dictators today, if the king was unhappy, look out. Heads rolled, literally! This can be seen in the Bible in reference to the three Hebrew men thrown into the fire (Daniel 3). They made the king angry by their refusal to bow to his image, and the look on his face meant a sure death. Only thing was there was a god, The LORD God of Israel, that smiled at their dedication to worship only him and when his face brightened, they survived the fiery furnace!

A and K, I want to live in such a way that makes the faces of those around you brighten, but when that requires you to disobey God, fuhgeddaboudit. When you please God instead of man, his smile is upon you and you are blessed. Therefor, live pleasing to God (1 Thessalonians 2:4). In doing so, you will not only please him, but you will please me as well. So make'em all smile by doing what is right.


Better never Nate, Matthew 25:1-13

Better Never Nate

Matthew 25:10  But when they were on their way to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

Here is a story with a familiar sounding ending, a moral to the story, if you will. I heard it many years ago when my elder brother used to teach lesson at Koinonia, a youth run Bible study. He can't remember it, so this is the best I recollect... (I am sure he had a shorter version)

There was a large and steep hill. On this hill was a large lever that, if thrown, would trigger the beginning of the end of the world. Perched high above the lever at the top of the hill was a rather large boulder. If the boulder would ever begin rolling down the hill, it would certainly hit the lever and trigger the end!

Nate was commissioned by all the people of the hill to warn them if the rock ever looked like it started to move. They had devised a complicated plan to knock the rock off course, and so save all mankind. So, Nate sat with earnest resolve, determined to fulfil his important yet arduous task.

He did quite well, at first. No matter the slightest wind or when sensing the slightest vibration, Nate responded by fixing his eyes on the enormous rock looking for any movement. But, the rock was so big and so heavy it never, in the slightest way, ever moved. Nate, over time, became apathetic, for no matter how much the wind blew or how much the earth trembled, the rock never even budged.

Yet, the day came when the earth began to rumble and move like never before. Certainly this was the day. The people of the hill knew that is was. They waited as before, but Nate never bellowed the call for help. Well, sadly that was because Nate wasn't paying attention, for he preoccupied himself with the pleasures life. Every other time nothing had happened, and this time would be no different, he thought to himself.

But, this time it was different. This time the rock did begin to move. The earth trembled like no other time, and the rock rolled straight down the hill toward the lever. The end would soon begin! As the earth shook Nate looked up. He knew that the people of the hill would not be able to get their plan enacted in time. So, Nate did the only thing he knew to do. He threw himself down in the path of the rock. And it was just in time. The rock bounce as it squished Nate and narrowly missed the lever and the world was saved from doom.

The moral of the story... when all other options fail, Better Nate than Lever.

K and A, Lets take it one step further. A better moral is Better Never Nate. It doesn't to be you. Like you, the people of the hill have been saved from destruction by the one who laid down his life for all mankind. Jesus took hit, and you can be free from the coming destruction. Be ready for his return. Fill you lamps, and bring along extra oil, for when the bridegroom arrives and the door closes behind him, you'll want to be eating the wedding meal along with him.


SlackerVille, Proverbs 6:9


Proverbs 6:9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?

Okay, I haven't been just laying around, but certainly I haven't been writing my scripture blogs. So I'm going to try to catch up. I think I am seven behind so if you allow me to use this one, I only have six to go. I'll leave Slackerville and be on my way to Workingham. Thanks for the leniency, daughters.
