Sunday, November 5, 2017

You Try, Proverbs 23:25

You Try

Proverbs 23:25 May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice.

I wrote a scripture blog on always rejoicing; do so in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). But disobedient, wayward children bring heartache and sadness to a parent. A child grows and learns to make their own choices. The parent have to leave go and let them choose for their own. Distraught are the parents of wayward children, who choose to walk in the way of sinners (opposite Psalm 1:1). Like the prodigal son's father, they yearn for the day their child returns.

K and A, you have begun to choose your own way. These writing are confirmations to what you have seen in your mother and me. We desire God's best for you. We desire for you to seek first the kingdom of God, to love him with all your heart, to walk in step with the Word of truth, to seek a holy lifestyle, to not conform to the world and live its pleasures. Make your mother and I glad you were given to us. May you ever be that bundle of joy that God gave us. We love you both.


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