Sunday, November 5, 2017

Make'em Smile, Proverbs 16:15

Make'em Smile

Proverbs 16:15  When a king's face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring.

Maybe you never farmed. Possibly, you never planted a garden. But, you should know that if you do not get spring rains, you wont get a good crop in the fall. Maybe you heard the saying, April showers bring May flowers. Rain is essential to life.

In years past, and in countries controlled by dictators today, if the king was unhappy, look out. Heads rolled, literally! This can be seen in the Bible in reference to the three Hebrew men thrown into the fire (Daniel 3). They made the king angry by their refusal to bow to his image, and the look on his face meant a sure death. Only thing was there was a god, The LORD God of Israel, that smiled at their dedication to worship only him and when his face brightened, they survived the fiery furnace!

A and K, I want to live in such a way that makes the faces of those around you brighten, but when that requires you to disobey God, fuhgeddaboudit. When you please God instead of man, his smile is upon you and you are blessed. Therefor, live pleasing to God (1 Thessalonians 2:4). In doing so, you will not only please him, but you will please me as well. So make'em all smile by doing what is right.


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