Friday, November 17, 2017

Sinning Against God, Genesis 20

Sinning Against God

Genesis 20:6 Then God said to him in a dream, "Yes, I know you [Abimelech) did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.

I want to go back to yesterday's passage and cover one more area. When we sin, who do we really sin against? Is it the person we perpetrated the act against? How about those who are in authority over that person, are they sinned against as well? Are those who know us and hear of our sin, have we sinned against them too? I can't say I understand this fully, but the Scripture seems to say that it is not them against whom we have sinned, rather it is against God. In Psalms, David said against him only (Psalm 51:4) did he commit sin!

I do not want to go down a semantics trail. Nor, do I want us to give the idea that we have not violate others when we sin. I know of young people that have lived and slept together and think that  it affected no one else but them. Little did they understand of all the eyes that looked up to them as an example of how to live. I spoke to a girl in my church youth class in times past who had a child out of wedlock (don't hear that word much anymore) and told me that it is no one's business what she does in her private life, it affects no one but her. I told her that it was sin and affected everyone in our class, the whole church, and beyond. So, it does affect the person we sin with, those they are responsible to, our friends and acquaintances around us, and it affects our society. But, more importantly it affects our relationship with God.

God is the key person whom we sin against. He defines morality. From his mouth comes the standards of right and wrong. The law defines what sin is (Romans 7:7), and we would be wise to learn what God thinks of sin is. It is a transgression of his law. And to sin means to not only violate the law but to violate God himself!

K and A, sin is downplayed in the church today. The statues of God are not seen as a requirement and have been tossed to the side. They say, we all sin all the time but Jesus paid the price and all is well... But, Jesus said, If you love me you will obey my teachings (John 14:23), and then my father will love you, oh no... oh yes, that is a conditional love. One where you must walk after him.

Daughters, some will tell you that all you need to do is to love God, and to love others... but how do you know what "to love" means? The Scripture shows you what that looks like. Through them, God tells you what he expects and gives you the spiritual freedom to live them out (Romans 7:24-25). The penalty for sin is an eternal death (Romans 6:23) for it is a violation against God. But, eternal life is a result of holiness (Romans 6:22) and is a result of walking in the light (Ephesians 5:9) Therefor,walk in the light as He is in the light... and the blood of Christ... will purify you from all sin! (I John 1:7)


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