Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Don't Do Everything The Bible Says, Genesis 19:6-8

Don't Do Everything The Bible Says

Genesis 19:8 Look I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.

Stolen water is sweet. Food eaten in secret is delicious (Proverbs 9:17), Just because the Bible talks about a event, it doesn't mean that it is the godly thing for you to do. If this was the case you might end up in a king's harem (Genesis 12:15), sacrificing your own son (Genesis 22:9), or possibly walking around in a fiery hot furnace (Daniel 3:25).

I can't explain Lots actions except to say he cared for his guests.... but to be willing to hand over your daughter to men who would certainly rape them, unconscionable! How could he!

K and A, far be it from me to ever do such a thing! I would never desire you harm or to have such a grotesque act perpetrated against you. It is horrible to think about! Yet, evil abounds and sexual abuse is rampant. Please speak up is such a thing occurs, at least to someone you trust. The quicker the better. Text them, something to get it recorded. There is a time for justice to reign. Sodom was an evil place. God destroyed it for being so corrupt and evil.

Daughters, love any children God gives you. Protect them when they are "under your roof" both physically and spiritually. TV, movies, music and  dance are all used by Satan to abuse a child's (and an adult's) mind and soul. Don't turn your children over to them. Give them over to the Lord. Teach and train them in the Word. Take them to Sunday school and church. Sing and listen to God honoring songs. Be kind and uplifting. You don't have to be like Lot and offer them to evil. Offer them to holiness instead.


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